League for Innovation in the Community College March 2018 | Page 25

GUIDED PATHWAYS TO SUCCESS: A Game Changer for Midland College BY REBECCA C. BELL F or the past two years, Midland College (MC) has been designing and implementing a pathways model with clear, educationally coherent program maps that are aligned for program completion, quality credentials, workforce skills, and transferability for baccalaureate and graduate degrees. As a result of MC’s efforts, the college has been recognized as a leader in the Texas Success Center’s Texas Pathways initiative, and the MC developmental math program has been named as exemplar in its efforts to redesign curriculum for the new pathways approach. Statistics indicate that nationwide, only 9.5 percent of students entering a two-year college will graduate within three years. According to the Midland College Office of Institutional Research, the average time for MC students to earn an associate degree is 3.6 years and 80 semester credit hours. MARCH 2018 25