League City Chamber Connect June Edition | Page 13

Welcome to June, Hurricane Season, and Summer.  On May 30th our speaker for our luncheon was Frank Billingsby, Channel 2 Weatherman.  If you missed the luncheon, you missed a good one as Mr. Billingsby was very entertaining and knowledgeable on the hurricanes that have hit the Houston area in the past and the bad storms we have been having lately.  He is getting ready to retire so we wish him well in his new journey.

Our Legislative Panel Discussion at our April luncheon

was a sellout.  Congressman Randy Weber, State

Senator Mayes Middleton, and State Representative

Greg Bonnen updated us on both federal and state issues. 

In June we will have a Panel Discussion on Economic

Development in our area.  We are fortunate to live in a

fast-growing area that has the top 3 things that people

look for when relocating to an area: Education,

Transportation, and Way of Life.   Think about it, we

have access to great K-12 Schools, Community

Colleges, and UHCL for Education.  Transportation we

have I-45, Hwy 146, Beltway, Grand Parkway, and

Hobby Airport.  For our Way of Life, we have Clear Lake,

Galveston Bay, Space Center, Kemah Board Walk and

we are minutes away from what Galveston and Houston

have to offer.  In addition, Texas has the 9th highest

Economy in the world and 27% of that is right here in

the Houston Port Region.

I hope you have seen our recent Video that Chris Swanson, with Fire Fox Videos, put together for our Chamber.  We are excited about the energy we have at the Chamber.  We have a great Staff, new offices, and a Board of Directors working hard to promote our area and our members.

Make sure you check out our new Digital Magazine.  It is a great way to showcase your business.  Other ways to showcase are to Sponsor an Event, Purchase an Advertising Panel in our Lobby, Conference Room or Classroom, or your name on the back of a Conference Room Chair.  One of our members who purchased an Advertising Panel commented that it only cost $69.00 per month making it an economical way to advertise your business.

In my last Message from the Chairman in our Digital Magazine, I talked about 5 reasons that you should be a member of a Chamber.  Let me know what you think the top reasons are to be a member of a chamber.

Have a great summer and stay safe!


Carl A. Joiner

Chairman of the Board  

Message from the Chairman of the Board