Editor’s Note
This issue is really about introducing you to the concept of
Lead With G.O.O.D, inspired by several years of working with
friends,families, kids, adults and self help experts around the
world. This magazine is an expression of our belief that life
can be led responsibly and yet can be fun, creative and full of
beautiful experiences. Life lead this way, allows for the entire
family to reach it’s highest human potential.
Being in tune with your emotions is the key to leading a responsible yet fun and balanced life. Your ability to be aware of your
emotions and manage them is the key for a happier and content life. It provides basis to prioritize what is important to you
in life.
As the founders and creators we hope to share our individual
experiences with you and we hope that we can add to making
your lives easier and more interesting by reminding you of the
greatness that exists within you and by inspiring you to be out
of the box thinkers and create meaningful conversations with
your friends, spouses, parents, children’s and those you interact with on a day to day basis.
It can be fun! you don’t always have to be serious with your
kids, and you don’t always have to wait to say “I am sorry” or “I
love you” to a loved one, it can be done anytime. To express
emotions and understand the self is the key to being human
and to lead with Great, Obsessive, Out of the box, Disruptive
ideas that can change the world.
Jamie, Aditi, Priti