LeadingAge New York Adviser Winter Vol. 1 | Page 31

PEOPLE, INC. Interview with Rhonda Frederick, CEO What is the mission of People, Inc.? Has it changed over time? People, Inc. is just under 50 years old and our mission has been tweaked over the years. Currently, as written, it states that People, Inc. exists so that individuals with disabling conditions or other special needs have the support they need to participate and succeed in an accepting society. The organization began as an agency providing services to the developmentally disabled. We began as a grassroots initiative by parents with children who were aging out of the school system and who had no options for services as adults with disabilities. In the late 1980s and early 90s we were actually approached by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) because they were looking for not-for-profit developers to build senior housing. They’d had some bad experiences at that time with for-profit developers and were interested in People, Inc., a non-profit with a successful track record of building group homes for persons with disabilities. Our board spent about a year researching and considering if our mission was broad enough to undertake senior services. After carefully vetting the question, we decided this area was in sync with our mission. We knew how to develop housing and our core mission is to serve people and, in fact, in many states senior services and disability services are run under the same umbrella. That’s how we began serving seniors and persons with development disabilities. I am thrilled to have been part of that evolution. From there we continued to grow, as the need is incredible. I can’t talk enough about the need for affordable housing for seniors. We also found some other niches where the services are similar. For example, we took over an adult day care program for individuals with Alzheimer’s, which is just about the same as a day program run for people with disabilities. So we had some who had Alzheimer’s and some who were just aging and they’re now co-located in a building. People go back and forth between the two programs. We also provide case management through the county in the same manner we use for providing it for individuals with disabilities; funded two different ways but with the same philosophies. We started our health center to provide a service lacking in the community. We were having a hard time finding good quality doctors for people with disabilities, people that would spend the time needed to serve our population. (continued on page 31) leadingageny.org 30