Leading Women Entrepreneurs Magazine 2017-Entre_magazine-online | Page 5
experienced And,
continued success by guarantee
connecting with and media and marketing
showcasing triumphant exposure not only with-
women in order to inspire in our own community
the next generations of but also beyond, Leading
leaders to come. Women
Now I, like many of you, has launched its own
am in a place where I online publication with
want to turn that success
the idea of being the
Photo by Mavash Saba–Saba Photography go-to resource for wom-
I began my quest last year by expanding our recognition en business leaders everywhere. Including in Cuba, where
ceremonies from the Top 25 Leading Women Entrepre- Leading Women Entrepreneurs will host its global retreat
neurs & Business Owners to the Top 25 Leading Women in December to explore business ownership in a country
Intrapreneurs that has not yet seen the advantages of an entrepreneurial
into a legacy.
Leaders, or
strongly advocate
women; the Top 25 Leading Women Brand Build- If you haven’t guessed it yet, Leading Women Entrepreneurs
ers, or those entrepreneurs and corporate execu- has ambitions of hosting Top 25 events throughout the
tives who have helped to increase women leaders’ nation and globally. We want to showcase success in an effort
visibility; and, Leading Women Socialpreneurs, or women to inspire the next generation of women leaders to come.
who have created businesses to solve problematic social I can think of no better way to continue positioning women
issues in the world. thought leaders around the world with the most diverse of
Leading Women Entrepreneurs also partnered with a variety perspectives. We invite you to join us in our mission.
of media outlets in an effort to raise the visibility platform for
successful women leaders. To better recognize our honorees,
- Linda Wellbrock
we partnered with New Jersey Monthly, NJBIZ, ROI-NJ,
NJ.COM, Comcast, NJ Advanced Media, The Star Ledger
and Women’s Day magazine reaching more than 20 million
women nationally.
Now, this year will be our biggest yet. After six years of creating
a high profile environment for successful, likeminded women,
I sought to create a series of mindset-focused retreats for those
women seeking to help each other reach the next levels of their
business and careers. Therefore, Leading Women Academy – a
business development program designed to ensure account-
ability and support in every step of the way toward achieving
one’s legacy – will launch this year.
Linda Wellbrock | 1-877-593-2090 | [email protected] | LWEWORLD.COM