Leading Women Entrepreneurs Magazine 2017-Entre_magazine-online | Page 14


Photos by Mavash Saba – Saba Photography

Let ’ s start with the good news : Women-owned firms have grown at a rate five times the national average over the

last decade . Now , for the bad news : Less than three percent of those businesses ever made it to the million-dollar mark . That stat has too long remained unchanged . It ’ s true that women entrepreneurs have more external challenges to overcome than their male counterparts , what with women often receiving less than half of the capital then men in which to start their businesses . But any entrepreneur can tell you that , regardless of gender , the to-do list will always continue to grow longer , resulting in an overwhelming constant grind and the feeling that one ’ s goals are increasingly out of reach . Add in increased stress from family pressures and the lack of available time and support and you ’ ve got a recipe ripe for self-sabotage . But , what if – yes , what if – we weren ’ t scared to get to where we want to be ? What if we could just create the headspace in which to clearly envision the legacy we ’ ve always wanted ? Tell me - what would it take for you to earn your yearly income in a month , and when ? If you had asked me back in 2011 what my goals were for Leading Women Entrepreneurs & Business Owners , I would have given you a much “ safer ” answer . I never would have told you how I might one day work with
Senator Booker to discuss and tackle women ’ s issues after being named a Best 50 Woman in Business in New Jersey . I never would have imagined I ’ d meet with Tori Burch and build a relationship with Women ’ s Day magazine in order to increase visibility and business deals for thousands of women leaders in New York and New Jersey . And I certainly never would have conceived of the business development tool I ’ m about to share with you today . Turns out that all it would take for me to reach this level of success was the right plan at the right time . It ’ s an immersive experience I would now like to share with you . After six years of creating an elite and educational environment for highly successful , likeminded , powerful women , Leading Women Entrepreneurs & Business Owners is announcing its launch of the Leading Women Academy , a community for established entrepreneurs wanting to help lift each other up to the next level , both personally and professionally . It breaks down like this : 19 percent of Leading Women Entrepreneurs earn less than $ 5 million in revenue ; 26 percent , $ 5 to $ 10 million ; 27 percent , $ 10 to $ 20 million ; and 28 percent , more than $ 20 million . While there are many resources currently available for startup companies and support teams for the extremely wealthy , midlevel firms do not have as much access to the programs and the people suited for their level of business .