LeadershipHQ Magazine 3rd Edition September Issue | Page 21
30% of men and 11% of women are working
at 7am in the morning, with one in size men
and one in seven women working at 7pm
in the evening
age household duties/administration and making leisure time more
valuable than ever.”
demand on our time. Unless of
course you decided to sell up and
move to Byron Bay #bliss
that personal Concierge services
is fast becoming the new ‘norm’ in
Add to that the ever-increasing list
of “should”. I should get the fridge
repaired, I should organise mum’s
birthday dinner, I should return
that shirt (wrong size), I should...
The result of modern living is that
we have a rapid influx of demands
so we require additional resources
to meet those demands, usually
in the form our outsourcing. We
can no longer rely upon traditional time management methods to
deal with modern time demands.
You wouldn’t go to a fax machine
to reply to an email would you?
All those ‘should’ or ‘to hard basket’
items can be handed to a personal
Concierge, in the same way the
vacuum is handed over to your
Don’t get me started on the list of
perfection pursuits (perfect parent,
perfect kids, perfect house, perfect
body, blah, blah blah).
All of these factors have had a
dramatic effect on how time is
managed and ‘balanced’ between
work, family and leisure activities.
OMG the pressure.
This is unlikely to change. In fact
I would go so far as to say that
the way that we live will entirely
change and we must change in
order keep up with this increasing
Whilst, thankfully, some traditional
outsourcing options such as family
and friends remain available they
too are facing a similar set of
lightning speed demands.
Other outsourcing opportunities
such as Au Pair, Nanny, Personal
Trainers, Housekeepers, and Gardeners are now considered main
stream. It is therefore no surprise
And the reason we need these
types of resources to keep up with
modern living?
Because regardless of how much
our world changes, our basic needs
as humans to rest and have social
interactions with our loved ones
does not change. We are social
beings and we need to be part of our
loving circle of family and friends.
Adele Blair
Managing Director
The Concierge Collective
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