“You’ve got to stick to the basics. You can’t just think, ‘Oh, this week I’ll
work really hard and then I’ll take a month off.’ It’s a daily, weekly, consistent
commitment to something and you do it no matter what.”
Business Tips
Keep educating yourself,
attend classes, and read
a lot.
Set goals and put them
where you’ll see them
every day.
Teach 1–2 classes a week.
Follow-up with your
leaders regularly.
While Kiley still works full time running his
own business, he and Nora work to divide and
conquer their responsibilities between work
and family. She says, “We have six children and
they’re involved in a lot of things, and we want
to be there. We try to schedule everything
around what our family does, because that’s
the most important to us.”
For Nora, keeping balance in life is just as
important to success as anything else she
does. She often tells her leaders a story about
two men in a wood-chopping competition. One
man thought he would win because the other
man took a break every hour for 15 minutes.
At the end of the competition, the man who
had taken regular breaks had chopped twice
as much wood as the other because he
hadn’t actually been taking breaks—he’d been
sharpening his ax.
Nora says, “That’s kind of my motto now. I tell
people when I’m teaching and training them,
you can perfect your class all you want, but if
you don’t work on you and your confidence,
you won’t grow.”
“My sister, Diane Shephard, reached
Diamond before I did. She has always
been a great support. She’s been my
cheerleader and I’ve been hers.”