Leadership Magazines | Página 52

NEW Eric & Becky Barney RA O E R Five Things Husbands Can Do to Support Their Wives ND dōT NEW dōTERRA DIAMOND DIA M Eagle River, ALASKA, USA “I wish I would’ve been more supportive of what Becky was doing from the beginning. I think she would be a lot farther than she is now if I would’ve hopped onboard sooner.” –Eric 1 Support and Encourage W 3 4 5 Start using the products right away. Balance and Deep Blue Rub are my favorites. “I know that my family has my back no matter what. If I have to travel, I never hear anyone complain. My family is cheering me on.” –Becky 2 Encourage your wife to attend as many trainings and classes as she can with friends. Be willing to help out around the house when your wife is gone. Look at this as an opportunity for bonding time with the kids. Attend a few events so that you can get a clear picture of what dōTERRA is and what it has to offer. Take time to look into the compensation plan. You will see huge money-making potential or an opportunity to help those families around you. “I have tried many different things, but it always goes back to consistency. If you are doing those daily activities, it’s amazing what kind of momentum you can create within your organization.” –Becky hen Becky Barney first bought a because everybody else that would try them opportunities.” Becky’s downline, Becky says, “I see all the time where people Family Physician Kit, she quickly them would get amazing results.” Finally, Asti Atkinson, kept inviting Becky and get that mixed up. They’re getting ready to get decided she needed everything and made he came clean that they had been working, offering incentives if she brought a ready and it’s not productive. Their growth will her next purchase the Every Oil Kit. She he just hadn’t wanted to believe it. guest, keeping her involved until she be slow. If they focus 80 percent of their time was ready to participate in the business. in activities that are generating money, it’s managed to enroll enough people that the large kit was paid for before her husband Becky herself took a little while to come amazing what they can do.” around to the idea of doing dōTERRA As she has built her own team, Becky as a business. She used the products has learned the importance of partici- She also makes sure to always focus on the for eight months before she realized pating in regular, productive activities. positive with her leaders. “It’s easy to find fault how many lives she could change if She tells her leaders to spend 80 percent with others and to complain about leaders and she shared this with others. She has of their time in money-making activities what they’re doing or not doing. I try to find the For a while, Eric actu