Congratulations on Reaching Presidential Diamond
James & Roxane Bybee
Placerville, CAlifornia, usa
it seemed like this huge obstacle, but it was there that I received
the confirmation that dōTERRA was what we were supposed to
do. I knew it was right. This was how we were going to get out
of debt and out of the trailer. It was on the flight home from
that event that we really pinned down our mission and our why.
It was March, and we decided by July we would be Diamond.
James- We really want people to know how important these
events are. Don’t let a week go by where there’s not an event
you’re attending or hosting. Don’t miss the big companysponsored events, because that shifted everything for us.
How do I balance my life while building a dōTERRA
James- Everybody in dōTERRA goes through this barrier of
balance. They say, “My life is out of whack! I’m doing too much
dōTERRA!” But once you have a why, a goal, and a mission, you
just do whatever it takes. There’s a price you have to pay for a
period of time. There is chaos before there is order. While we
were building our business, I just decided that even though
I was dead tired at the end of the day, I was going to do it
because I was passionate about it. That’s what we did even
though it might mean that we only got four hours of sleep.
We did whatever needed to happen.
Roxane- I feel like balance is a myth. Our expectations of what
“dōTERRA is a personal development program wrapped up in an essential oil company.
Literally the secret to success in dōTERRA is how fast you can look in the mirror and love
that person and everything that comes with it. It’s not about what anybody else does or
chooses, it’s all about looking in the mirror and how you deal with what you see there.” –James
balance is, is basically that we want to stay in our comfort zone.
How did you get started building
facility. We were looking into different
got onboard. We started sharing with
What’s the secret of your success?
your dōTERRA business?
opportunities to change our situation.
our friends and then some checks came
James- Our story is one of people who
Roxane’s sister, Natalie Goddard,
in the mail. After that, we started getting
found themselves in a place where they
introduced us to essential oils, and
more serious and focused, and Natalie
never thought they would be. That happens
we kept saying, “It can’t be network
started to push us to hit Gold. I think
sometimes. Circumstances take you to a
marketing,” because we had had a
that got us rolling and we were really
place where you are just evaluating your
bad experience years before. Natalie
immersed in it together.
life and you think, “We were going to do
followed up with us two or three times
more. We had big dreams. How did we
and eventually I said, “OK, maybe we
Why are events so important?
get here?” We were looking for ways to
should consider this.”
Roxane- We were Gold when we went to
get out of serious debt. We were living
in a broken down old mobile home,
and we didn’t really know how to get
out. I was working about 60 hours
a week, and Roxane would work a
few days a week overnight at a care
I jumped in and had Dr. Hill at my very
first meeting. He flew out for it…and
no one showed up. We had failed at
everything up until this point, and now
we’d failed at this too. But then Roxane
had some experiences with the oils and
Do you really think that peop