David & Heather Madder
Gilbert, Arizona, usa
A Life-Changing Opportunity
will go through at least six months
of uncertainty. They will feel afraid,
insecure, and worried about how they’re
going to be perceived. A lot of people
“I love how dōTERRA develops people
are going through that phase when they
into the highest version of who they
start doing dōTERRA, and that’s OK.”
are. That is why I’m here, because I
Heather has found that it’s important for
can give others a powerful tool
new IPCs to work through those feelings
to live as the healthiest, happiest,
and to keep doing the business even
highest version of themselves.”
when they’re scared, tired, or unsure.
She teaches her team to live and build
hen Heather Madder’s friend,
Natalie Goddard, gifted her with a
kit of essential oils, Heather quickly fell in
love. When Natalie followed up and asked
her to get on LRP, Heather was hesitant
but eventually agreed, thinking she would
their business in a way that is consistent
with their happiness. “With dōTERRA,
we’re promising a happy, healthy
lifestyle. We as leaders have to live and
build in a happy, healthy way so we
can model that and be true to what we
only do it for a few months before she
stand for.”
had all the oils she wanted. “I’ve never
She stresses that with dōTERRA anyone
skipped a month in four years,” says
Heather. “I had no idea that that little box
in the mail was going to change my life so
Heather says she is grateful for Natalie’s
courage and persistence. “She knew
what I did not know—she knew this
amazing journey, the opportunity that was
available, and what was possible for me.
She would not let me overlook it.” From
can create what they desire out of their
life. She has seen that it has changed
her life for the better. “It has opened up
my hea