Leadership Magazines | Page 22

ND R R O dōTE Nick & Julie Hundley S NEW NEW dōTERRA DIAMONDS A DIA M Highland, Utah, usa We are so grateful for dōTERRA. It provides us with the ability to have improved health, increased financial stability, and stronger relationships. It’s been memorable to take our family on business trips and have experiences together. Our kids love the oils and have shared with their friends and others how to use them. –Julie How to more successfully enroll at the end of a class: JULIE: 1 Have enough IPCs to assist Consistently Build N ick and Julie Hundley made their Having previously worked as a health been consistent and committed from first push into the dōTERRA counselor, Julie saw the value essential the beginning. Because of this, we had business when Natalie Goddard invited oils could bring to health practitioners, four team members hit Silver at the them to present the oils at a big spa so she began to share and her teams same time when we first hit Diamond. in New York City. Nervous at first, Julie agreed to do it. She says, “I remember walking out of my meeting with the spa director, and I couldn’t wait to call Natalie to tell her all about it. I told her, ‘It is so much fun to share these products. People love them!’” grew from there. She found that things that needed to happen just happened when her Our intentionality of where we were going shifted the energy. It was really cool to watch.” team was united in their goal. “Our Julie is inspired by how well her team team members all have unique ways of collaborates and works together to building the business, and they have all support each other’s growth. “I have “I help the team with personal development mentoring. I like listening to people and helping them push through blocks and identify their motivations. I help people see the big picture of how to fit dōTERRA into their lives in the best possible way.” -Nick 22 dōTERRA ESSENTIAL LEADERSHIP I Spring 2014 attendees enroll after the class. “At the end of your class, people tend to have a lot more interest than they let on, but may end up walking out if there isn’t someone there to answer their questions.” 2 Listen to people’s needs. “Instead of simply telling people what to do, I ask questions to figure out what they need, help them see their options, and identify the enrollment package that will best meet their wants and needs.” 3 Take the necessary time. “I try to spend time with people making sure they’re very satisfied.” enjoyed supporting each of them be around.” Nick says, “I think Julie’s in the ways they’ve requested to success has come from her tenacity. help them be successful. Now they She has stuck to it and is always are all working toward new ranks, getting better.” and it continues to be a fun and exciting journey.” Most of all, Julie always tries to make her business about service. “I make Julie has learned that finding the right sure I serve people in the way they team comes easier when she makes are asking to be served and not how her own personal development a I think they need to be served.” She priority. “We attract who we’re like, makes it an ongoing relationship, so if you want to have a strong and assisting people with their problems thriving business, then you’ve got to one at a time rather than all at once. be the kind of person people what to www.doterra.com 23