Leadership Magazines | Page 18

ND RA O R E Leonie Featherstone NEW dōT NEW dōTERRA DIAMOND DIA Action plan I n May 2012, Leonie Featherstone took the dive into a full-time dōTERRA business. She says, “I wanted to show my team that with an indelible why and a consistent action plan, you can achieve anything—in this case, the time to genuinely connect with each person, then it’s easier to tailor your approach in a way that has relevance Labrador, Queensland, Australia A Consistent M person you’re sharing with. “Take to them. The business opportunity is just another product. If seen this way, “I have been on my own for 16 years and am used to single-handedly tackling business and personal challenges. However, 18 months ago a wonderful man, Stewart, came into my life. While he is not my spouse in the formal sense, he is my rock. He is constantly encouraging me and supporting me.” “I proudly use the products and people often tell me they can smell me coming. I take that as a compliment and it’s a great conversation starter. I often reapply my oils. I take out my little bag regardless of where I am and without song and dance apply my oils. Quite often people will excuse themselves and ask me what I’m doing or if I am into ‘natural therapies.’ And the relationship begins.” it can take some of the fear away. We are simply offering people options and respecting their right to decide which one they choose.” This holds true throughout the process, Steps to a Successful Event whether sharing or following up. “Really Connect with each person who attends. hear what people are saying as it can help Pass the oils around so people can interact with them. you answer their concerns or understand whether or not they are interested. Explain the relevance of the purity and potency of the oils. Sometimes even though people aren’t Share information and success stories about the oils. ready to take dōTERRA on as a business, Focus on the benefits of bringing dōTERRA into their lives. they may still be interested in hosting a class or purchasing some oils. By respecting their decisions and where  ffer the options—the kits, the business, ongoing classes, etc.— O then let go of the outcome. Diamond rank.” they’re at, you can often maintain a Then her friend and co-enroller Cath good relationship that could lead you  elp people