Jeff & Judy Cruden
Las Vegas, NEVADA, USA
Share the Dream
“It’s important to plant that seed and
let people know that there is an option
to do dōTERRA as a business. Before,
I was waiting for them to come to me,
and I had no builders. Now, I have more
than 60 builders in my organization.
Just planting that seed in my class has
changed everything.”
udy Cruden enrolled so many
people when she first signed up with
dōTERRA that she won second grand
prize for the incentive trip that year.
She says, “But I didn’t have any leaders,
because I refused to talk about the
business in my classes. That was holding
me back.”
At the time, Judy was running her own
tax firm. She was successful at it, but
she didn’t enjoy it. She hoped she could
earn an income from dōTERRA that
would replace her tax business and
still allow her to support her family.
“When I saw that I could replace that
income, I knew I was going to do it as a
business, but I didn’t want people to see
me as the oil lady. I had a perception
issue; I had this block within myself. It
took me two years and two complete
restructurings of my organization before
I realized what I was missing.”
She reached a point where she was
either going to have to reach a certain
level of compensation, or quit dōTERRA
and go back to her tax firm. She started
receiving mentoring from her upline
Allyse Sedivy and saw that she had to
introduce the business opportunity in
her classes if she wanted to grow. She
did her research and came up with
a one-minute speech that she was
comfortable saying at the end of every
class. “It has literally changed everything
for me. We have so many builders now.
My business has grown exponentially
since then.”
Now, Judy teaches her team to find
their builders from the beginning. She
has them make up a list of people and
divide it into two: on one side they list
people they want to share oils with, and
on the other side the people who might
be interested in the business. “If there
are people that you enjoy being with,
that would be fun to do the business
with, or that you know need financial
healing, then approach them first. At
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