Unexpected Ride
Ryan & Beth Phillips
ne day, Beth Phillip’s accountant
gave her some PastTense® to
try. Beth was so shocked by how well
it worked that she bought a bottle.
She came home, excited to tell her
husband all about it. She wanted him
to come with her to a class, but his
work schedule was so busy that it took
them three months to attend. Luckily,
they were well followed-up with, and
finally attended a class and enrolled.
Beth said she wasn’t interested in the
business, but she agreed to work to
pay for her oils.
From there, Beth’s goals kept getting
bigger. She earned enough to pay for
a trip to New York for her family. Then
she reached Silver. Then she set her
sights on Diamond. For a while, she
worked a full-time job and grew her
dōTERRA business at the same time,
but after a year she knew she couldn’t
do both anymore. Her husband, Ryan,
told her, “You only get to live once.
Do what you love. You obviously love
dōTERRA. You light up when you talk
about it.” With that encouragement, she
quit her job to focus only on dōTERRA.
Wanting to keep building momentum,
Beth has been working almost seven
days a week for four years, never saying
no to anyone or anything. Now, she’s
trying to work on plugging people into
systems and showing them how to find
answers to their own questions. She
hopes this will soon bring more balance
to her life. She also hopes to be able
to reach Blue Diamond and bring Ryan
home from his job to work with her
in the business. Beth says, “Ryan has
always been very supportive. He helps
me out so much at home and I’m so
grateful. I couldn’t do this without him.”
Their hope is to soon not be tied to
home by a job so they can travel the
country with their kids and support
their growing teams everywhere they
go. Beth says, “We’ve seen what a
blessing this can be to people’s lives.
We want to help our builders grow and
reach their goals. We want them to find
the level of success that brings joy to
their families.”
She knows everyone in dōTERRA loves
to learn about essential oils, but the
most important thing she’s learned is
how to improve herself. She says, “It’s
been a crazy, unexpected ride. I heard
somewhere that you never want to see
on your tombstone, ‘She had so much
potential.’ What dōTERRA has done for
me is make me get out there and do
things I never thought I could do and
become someone I never thought I
could become.”
“Our biggest obstacle most of
the time is what we’re telling
ourselves in our heads. We’re
our worst critics and we hold
ourselves back more than
anything else does. We have
to get out of our own way.”
Raise your leadership ability.
Invest in and grow yourself.
Take the time to learn the skills.
“Personal development plays a
bigger part in this business than
I ever imagined. This isn’t a solo
endeavor, so whatever you want
to accomplish is restricted by your
ability to lead others. In order to
increase your effectiveness, you
have to raise your leadership ability.”
“If you’re looking to hit the higher
ranks and go all the way, you have
to invest in yourself and grow as a
person. As you grow, your business
grows. They’re totally intertwined.
The only way you’re going to get
better is by finding the spots where
you’re weak and working on them.”
“They don’t teach network
marketing in school, so these are
skills that have to be learned. Taking
time to do that is going to have the
biggest impact on your business.
Your head knowledge doesn’t matter
if you can’t lead a group of people.”
“This is network marketing. You have to have a network, and the only way you’re going
to do that is by actually getting out and being around people.”
*Results not typical. Average earnings are less. See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on