“My leaders are amazing. They are
total rock stars and I wouldn’t be
where I am today without them.”
Mary Lagasse
ary Lagasse used essential oils
as a massage therapist and yoga
instructor, but never understood the full
extent of their benefits. She was just
coming back into working after the birth
of her son when she saw Brianne Hovey’s
ad on Craigslist for a spa rep. The idea
was Mary would be an independent
contractor for Brianne and promote
dōTERRA to spas in Hawaii. But, as Mary
started training for this position and
learning more about dōTERRA, she told
Brianne that she wanted to get in on the
business opportunity.
As a single mother, it was important
to Mary that she be able to provide
for her son no matter what, and she
saw that dōTERRA could give her that
through residual income. She had to
scrape money together to afford her
LRP the first few months, but she knew
it would be worth it. She says, “I had to
sacrifice at first, but I knew it would get
me so much more later.”
Her growth in the business, like many
others, has been an up-and-down
journey that took a little bit longer
than she thought, but she never gave
up. At first, she focused too much on
recruiting spas and now tells her team
to find builders before approaching
large businesses. Despite these
challenges, Mary reached Silver in six
months, then was motivated to reach
Gold in order to be an AromaTouch®
instructor. She quit her job as a
massage therapist, did Diamond
club, and skipped over Platinum to
Diamond. She says, “I dedicated 100
percent of my time to dōTERRA. I had
to make an income as a single mom, so
I pushed through it and made i t work.”
After hitting Diamond the first time,
Mary’s fourth leg dropped out and she
struggled to get back up again. But,
whatever her rank, her dōTERRA income
has been a source of security for her
no matter what has happened in her
life. She has been able to take time off
to care for her aging parents and she is
always able to be there for her son. She
says, “I feel very fortunate that I have
dōTERRA. If I had a regular job, I could
never have taken that time off and still
paid my bills.” Since coming back from
her time off, she has been able to build
her business to a more solid Diamond
and plans to grow to Blue Diamond soon.
She’s excited to continue growing her
business so she can give back to the
community and set an example for
her son. She says, “I want him to see
how he can help other people in the
world. I want to be a great mentor and
inspiration for him to show him that he
can do whatever he wants in life.” Mary
knows that she could never be where
she is without dōTERRA. “I feel super
strongly that dōTERRA is so much
more than an essential oil company.
If people get involved in this business,
it’s going to change their lives. It did mine.”
Make it work.
“A lot of people
say they have time
constraints, but you
can make this work
with your lifestyle.
If you have kids,
incorporate them into
what you’re doing.”
Get creative.
“In the beginning I
knew I had to make
this work with a kid
and make him a part
of my dōTERRA life.
I couldn’t have gone
as far as I have if I
had not been so
creative in this.”
Take them to classes.
“I take him to classes
a lot. I do mommy
groups where I have
everyone bring their
kids and they play
together while
we learn about
essential oils.”
Let them help.
“My son is my little
helper and he’ll help
me put gift bags
together for events
or put labels and
caps on oil bottles.
He’s at an age where
he can do that.”
Set an example.
“dōTERRA gives me
the time freedom
where I can plan it
around my schedule.
I feel like it’s a good
way to show my son
that there’s a different
lifestyle besides a
9–5 job.”
“dōTERRA is not just an essential oils company. They’re giving back to people and they have a bigger view on life.”
*Results not typical. Average earnings are less. See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on