Leadership Magazines | Page 50


Betty Torres-Forbord Blue Diamond
You asked , they answered . We took your most pressing questions about the business and asked some of our top dōTERRA leaders for their advice from their years of experience .
What do you do when you lose frontline leaders ? In this situation , I have found the problem is usually caused by the fact that you , as their enroller , were eager to build your own business and you either placed someone who never intended to build in a key position or you listened to someone ’ s words rather than paying attention to their actions . To avoid this situation in the future , make sure that anyone you are investing in as a frontline leader is :
1 . Committed to a Loyalty Rewards Program ( LRP ) monthly order of at least 125 PV between the first and fifteenth of the month ; 2 . Showing up at events ; 3 . Bringing guests to events ; 4 . Expressing the desire to build a business after a critical conversation where you clearly outline these expectations .
More time , product experience , and information will equal more intelligent and mutually beneficial enrollment and placement decisions .
So , now we know how to avoid these situations in the future . For now , here are your options for replacing a frontline leader :
1 . Transfer a new person into their account with the consent of the current owner ;
2 . Look for another personally enrolled person in that leg who is building and work closely with them ;
3 . Focus on a new or developing leg . Always keep in mind that if you need three legs , you want four , because of situations like these where that extra leg will come in handy .
How do you find the belief in yourself that you ’ re capable of success in dōTERRA ? I find that the most important way to build belief in yourself is to stay connected to people who are also building a dōTERRA business . If there are events in your local area , you need to be present at all of them with your team and your guests . If you don ’ t yet have local events , build a system where you parlay the one-on-ones into in-homes and then into larger venue events that will serve to validate the dōTERRA message to everyone ’ s guests . Build relationships with others who are building in your area regardless of their team affiliation . The success of an area is the result of many teams working together and strong local events will benefit everyone .