“The only
way to fail at
dōTERRA is to
flat out quit.”
Aaron & Jessa Johnson
Provided a Way
“I know there are people out there who need their hope restored,
so nothing is going to stop me.”
essa Johnson had already been
the class and knew within a couple
Her husband, Aaron, is a computer
using a different brand of essential
days that she not only wanted the oils,
programmer who loves his job. Though
she wanted to do the business.
he won’t be joining her full time in her
oils when her friend introduced her to
dōTERRA, but over the course of two
weeks she saw her friend four or five
times, and every time her friend invited
her to a class. Finally, Jessa attended
She made the goal to make $5,000
by the end of the year to help pay for
her sons to go to private Christian
school. Two months into using the
product for herself, she had a major
the help, advice, and support he always
gives her. She says, “I would not have
been able to even get started without
him supporting me.”
breakthrough. She says, “After that,
She also says that her team members
I didn’t care if I ever made a dime
are more than her business partners,
because it made such a difference
they’re her friends. Because of this,
in my own life. I was on fire, and I felt
she wants to do everything she can
like it would be selfish of me to keep
to help them reach their goals and
something like this to myself.”
change their lives financially, just as
By the end of the year, she was Gold.
dōTERRA business, Jessa appreciates
hers has been.
She says, “I love that the dōTERRA
Two years ago, Jessa was hit in the
compensation plan blesses me
face with a softball and her front teeth
financially at the same time that I’m
turned black. To fix the problem,
helping others.” Diamond wasn’t on her
she needed intensive jaw therapy
radar at first, but as she continued to
and implants for seven teeth. The total
help people, she saw that it would be
cost for these procedures is through
possible. She did Diamond Club and
the roof, so Jessa had resigned herself
reached Diamond on the last day. “That
to living with the issue for the rest
morning I was whining to God in my
of her life. Now, all the money she is
prayers that I had worked so hard for
earning with dōTERRA has gone toward
the past four months and I wasn’t going
fixing her teeth. “But it’s happening,”
to reach my goal.” That day, one of her
Jessa says. “dōTERRA has provided a
leaders sold a Diamond Kit, and that
way and has given me the confidence
made it happen.
to smile again.”
Get your family onboard. “Once we saw that this would
change our life financially, we sat our kids down and
explained that I was going to be gone more for a little while.
My whole family was onboard, and my kids love dōTERRA.”
Set boundaries in your time. “Currently, I don’t work more
than two evenings a week and I never work on Sundays.
Those are things that we’ve had to put in place or else the
business would take over my life.”
Make the most of your time. “Whether you have one hour or 20 hours to put toward the business, make sure that you’re
not spending that time organizing your oils. Make phone calls, teach a class, make a new contact, or sample. Consistently do
those money-making activities.”
Make short-term sacrifices. “Diamond Club was definitely
a time of imbalance in my life. I had to let go of some things
that were important to me in order to pursue this goal. But,
now that my business maintains itself more, I’m able to go
back to them.”
Prioritize family time. “If I’ve just picked up my kids
from school, I’m done. I’m not on the phone and I’m not
answering texts or Facebook messages. I try to protect
that time so my sons still know that they’re number one
in my life.”
*Results not typical. Average earnings are less. See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on doterra.com.