Dale & Jennifer Jaramillo
“Expect adversity.
This business
is not easy and
you have to work
through it. Without
pressure there is no
Diamond.” –Dale
Just Getting Started
holistic health-care practitioner
first gave Jennifer Jaramillo some
dōTERRA essential oils, and Jennifer
bought the oils from her at retail for five
months. After seeing amazing results,
she decided to get her wholesale
account. It took another two months
before she enrolled her first Wellness
Advocate and for her to discover what
an LRP order was. Because the oils
dramatically changed her well-being,
she become very passionate about
sharing the product with everyone she
came in contact with.
When she started dōTERRA, Jennifer
was completing her master’s degree
in education, teaching first grade
full time, and raising her three boys.
She was too stressed to think about
the business. As Dale moved up the
corporate ladder, she was able to take
a part-time teaching job with a family
school, which freed up some time to
teach more classes for dōTERRA.
She built herself to Silver and
convinced her husband, Dale, to come
to convention with her.
Dale had been using the oils, but was
skeptical of network marketing until he
attended convention. He says, “I was
blown away by the integrity and the vision
of dōTERRA. There was joy and happiness
in the atmosphere and you could sense
it. That opened my eyes and broadened
my horizons.” He came home and started
to seriously look into the business.
He had been working at a corporate
job for up to 80 hours a week. He said,
“I looked at Jennifer’s team growth and I
looked at the dōTERRA corporate growth
and I was impressed. I was especially
inspired by the business potential and
the power of residual income.”
Their plan was to grow dōTERRA to a
level that would allow Dale to go back
to teaching high school, which would
free up more of his time to dedicate to
his family and to help with the dōTERRA
business. Then, Dale was laid off his
job. He says, “It was not how we had
envisioned it happening, but God was
telling us to trust Him.” They looked at
their finances, and decided that they
had 18 months to dedicate to building
their dōTERRA business and replacing
their income. Jennifer resigned from her
teaching job that May, and they went full
force into the business together.
“We would not be where we are without
Dale’s support,” Jennifer says. “Dale
took our business to the next level, no
doubt.” It was a transition to combine
their working styles, but Dale brought
organization and structure to Jennifer’s
passion and spirit, and together they
have been able to reach Diamond.
For Jennifer and Dale, their dōTERRA
business has only just gotten started.
Jennifer says, “My mission is to get this
product to every single family I come
in contact with so they can know the
benefits of having it in their home.” Dale
adds, “Our overall dream is to see others
achieve the freedoms we have realized.
We really just want to give back.”
“You have to believe in
the product and believe in
yourself. I knew I was going
to be Diamond. I knew I
wanted to make $10,000
or more a month and
that I wanted to be in
the Leadership magazine.
I knew I was going to get
there, I just didn’t know
how.” –Jennifer
“Jennifer’s belief level was
through the roof, and I think
having that vision and drive
is absolutely necessary. All
I did was give her a clear
pathway to get from point
A to point B. We developed
a structure and implemented
a process that worked. The
challenge was to find a
way to bring structure to
the organization while still
having fun.” –Dale
“Now we have a 16-footwide whiteboard in our
office with everything laid
out: our road map, our
schedule, our calendar,
our number updates, our
action plan. When Dale
came onboard I had a hard
time organizing everything
because I wanted it my own
way, but he has really made
a difference.” –Jennifer
“Jennifer teaches the oil
classes and shares the
product with people.
Once people get to the
point where they want to
build, I take ownership.
It’s about 80/20—I do the
business aspect 80 percent
of the time, while she does
it 20 percent of the time,
and vice versa with the oils.”
*Results not typical. Average earnings are less. See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnin gs Disclosure Summary on