Leadership Magazines | Page 10


Tara Bliss

“ Choose ‘ I ’ m inspired ’ over ‘ I ’ m overwhelmed .’”


T ara Bliss can ’ t remember who

first introduced her to dōTERRA essential oils . She says , “ They just seemed to float into my consciousness at a certain point .” She started seeing them everywhere — social media , local markets , yoga classes , etc . She started buying them online or from friends , and “ it was love at first sniff .”
She was an enthusiastic product user for years before she even realized dōTERRA was a network marketing company . Tara had the impression that these companies were for middleaged women who wanted to earn a little pocket money (“ Charming , I know ,” she says ). As a best-selling author and coach , Tara was busy with her own online business . But , she says , “ Though my business seemed perfect and successful from the outside , I was burning out and craving connection . I was ready for more systems and support in my business because I sensed the way I was currently operating wasn ’ t sustainable .”
Shortly after , she came across Hayley Hobson ’ s website and enrolled with her . As Tara researched the compensation plan , it became clear that this was the support she had been looking for . She says , “ This business leverages the energy of community ( and particularly with my team , sisterhood ) in an age where we need it most . We are moving from an archetypal ‘ I ’ to ‘ we ’ and network marketing or , as I call it , ‘ collaborative business ,’ provides a framework and opportunity for the lone wolf to join the wolf pack . Together , we rise .”
Today , Tara is motivated to provide residual income for every household . She says , “ My why is to help others create a life that can look after them even when they ’ re unable to look after themselves . People die , people get sick — life happens , and when it does , cash flow should be the last thing we ’ re worried about .”
Her husband , Glen , has always supported her in all of her projects . Tara says , “ He wholeheartedly believes I can do anything I set my heart and mind to .” As a chef who is not in his “ zone of genius ” in front of a computer , he may never join her in dōTERRA , but he supports her through his enthusiasm and encouragement .
“ My life is bursting with richness from the phenomenal friendships that have blossomed in my life through dōTERRA ,” Tara says . “ Sometimes I need to pinch myself when I think that my business partners have become some of my closest friends — like family . Undoubtedly , this is the highlight for me . The six-figure income is just a beautiful bonus .”
“ Because of my business experience , I tended to get in my way a little , instead of surrendering more to the dōTERRA culture and business model . I needed to relax a little in order to really allow the magic to happen .”
“ My innovative nature thought I needed to reinvent everything , when in fact all I needed to do was walk in , embrace the systems , model the habits of the people who walked this path before me , and imbue the experience with my energy and unique essence .”
“ Leadership isn ’ t necessarily innate . I truly believe it ’ s a skill that can be learned and cultivated . Although I was a coach and speaker , I had no idea how to lead teams of people until dōTERRA . My first few months were filled with awkward team calls and feelings of inadequacy .”
“ I look back at those moments with compassion for myself , knowing I wouldn ’ t be who I am today without walking those uncomfortable edges . Don ’ t compare yourself to people who have been doing the business longer . Everyone started somewhere , and your time is now .”
* Results not typical . Average earnings are less . See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on doterra . com .