What product do you feel is
and caring for those who need
easiest to share with anyone,
support. Tap-rooting will often
regardless of need?
create activity in the leadership
If we had to choose a product as
above where it hasn’t existed prior.
a first experience for someone,
it would be Wild Orange. It is
such a diverse oil and the aroma
is so wonderful. Wild Orange
is valuable for anything from
digestive support to mood
issues; it is calming and uplifting;
it’s excellent for skin and cellular
health; and it brings a spirit of
abundance. Everyone loves
Wild Orange.
What’s the key to successful
The real key to follow-up is
actually doing it. Take an interest
in the people you enroll and
empower them to be problem
solvers by helping them become
familiar with the tremendous
resources that are available. It
is sheer joy to love your people
their knowledge and awareness
an effective way to share
and transform their lives. Often
product with others?
surprisingly, when someone has
First and foremost, have oils
support, this process happens
with you at all times. Always
faster than you think.
game, on an airplane, in a
restaurant, at a gathering—
you name it, be prepared to give
someone an experience and
educate them about essential
oils. Then, follow up!
How often should you
communicate with your
At least weekly, often times daily.
We like to individualize based on
need, which can change from
week to week. We schedule
a weekly call with each of our
mainline leaders. We also reach
out to other leaders, especially
second and third level, whenever
possible. We also suggest “taprooting”—a process of going
down to where activity exists
when their upline isn’t engaging
Develop your own belief by using the
products and sharing what you do with
Why is following up so
“The fortune is in the follow-up.”
One of the most