for this company, I could see that these were people of
integrity with an amazing product line. Seeing the generous
compensation plan for their distributors, I knew this could
be my vehicle to work with something I felt passionate
about. I wanted more balance in my life and yearned for
the opportunity to provide more money, time, and freedom
for my family. With the encouragement and support of my
husband and family, our journey began. By March 2012, I
was able to leave all of my jobs and pursue dōTERRA.
Thanks to modern technology, we have been able to stay in
contact with friends and family both locally and overseas.
Through continual communication, we have been able to
build here and in Norway and Sweden. We are so excited
to see up-and-coming leaders build dōTERRA in their
countries. I love that in this business we get to not only
give a man a fish or teach a man to fish, but we get to
teach a man to teach a man to fish, and therefore help
change a society!
As we learned more about the oils, we started sharing
We are grateful to have been working with individuals
samples with friends and neighbors. The word spread
and families that have had the courage to share with their
quickly and it wasn’t long before
loved ones and acquaintances.
people started contacting us.
My husband and I enjoy working
They, too, were looking for
together and look forward to
My husband and I enjoy
natural solutions. It has been so
more opportunities to travel to
working together and look
great to share safe solutions to
exciting places while helping
forward to more opportunities
aid people dealing with issues like
others enjoy the benefits
to travel to exciting places
skin irritations, occasional aches
dōTERRA offers.
while helping others enjoy the
and pains, and sleep problems,
benefits dōTERRA offers.
just to name a few.