“We set the goal
and reached for
Silver, Gold,
Platinum, and
Diamond. If we
had not set the
goal, we would
have never done it.”
Provide Safety Margins
“If you build just to the Power of 3, you have no safety margins. Instead, build to the Power of 4. If you have doubts about the
strength of a leg, enroll four consultants under that leader. The worst thing that can happen is you’ll have four or five leaders
under a person instead of three. That’s not a bad problem to have.”
Support Team Goals
“Often, a team member’s goal may be different from your own. They may want to build faster, or they may build in a
completely different way. Despite differences, your job is to provide them with the tools and tactics they need to be successful.
You must have the attitude of, ‘What can I do to help you?’”
Hold Weekly Conference Calls
“Conference calls can be used to build team unity, plan events, brainstorm ideas, and to market both the business and
the product. Record topic-specific conference calls, so current and future consultants can refer to them as they build their
dōTERRA business.”
Use Your Strengths
“Some individuals are excellent at marketing, while others excel in socializing. You have to know your team in order to help
them utilize their strengths. Peter isn’t afraid to think outside the box, while I’m a massage therapist who understands the
product. We both apply our strengths as we build our business together.”
Share Your Goals
“If you don’t share your goals, where will you find support? When we began discussing our goal, to achieve Diamond, the
response from our team was so positive that it changed our team momentum.”
Peter and Susie have worked hard to make their team a well-oiled machine. They work as a team, play off each other’s strengths,
and know how to communicate. Peter offers this advice: “Be patient, plan ahead, and take it step by step. When we started, we
had a business, volunteer work, and family, so the idea of dropping everything was unrealistic. However, with this strategy we’ve
become solid Diamonds.