he Philippines is famous for family values, religious dōTERRA has been following the growing interest in the
devotion and attentive hospitality. With 10.5 million Philippines for essential oils for years and has determined
Filipinos living overseas, these values are now well-known that, given the current pace of growth, it is now necessary to
by many and have become a well-deserved characterization. meet that demand and formally open the market. Currently,
My family and I have been here for eight wonderful months it seems the most important factor limiting dōTERRA’s rapid
and we can attest to how great a place the Philippines is and growth is the difficulty accessing products. Accordingly, the
how kind and service-oriented the Filipino people are. primary reasons for dōTERRA opening now are (1) to meet
swelling demand; (2) to reduce logistical barriers; and (3) to
The Philippines is now considered a rapidly growing country support leaders in focusing on what they do best — share
and is estimated to become the 16th largest economy in the products, and support users and fellow Wellness Advocates.
world, 5th largest economy in Asia and the largest economy
in the South East Asian region by 2050. While life is getting Very shortly we will launch in the Philippines market with
better, lagging GDP is a challenge and healthcare numbers almost all of our essential oil products; have a seamless global
remain underdeveloped. As a result there are opportunities compensation plan; offer robust e-commerce and domestic
here for wellness companies like dōTERRA ® who offer a shipping; offer a Founders Club; and will have many other
unique product with therapeutic benefits: it is a platform attractive promotions and incentive programs which will be
for the entrepreneurially-minded to meet the demand for familiar to those in the dōTERRA family. I encourage all of
natural, safe, effective products that can help address a you who have Filipino friends in your phonebook, within your
family’s wellness needs.
Evan & Melissa Esguerra,
left for California in 1985
“My mom was born and raised
in Sta. Mesa, Manila and my
father in Quezon City. Before
coming back to build a dōTERRA
business in the Philippines, I had only been back
once for a month – when I turned seven years old.
Now, I have been back home nine times in the last
ten months! I love everything about the Philippines
– mostly the wholehearted hospitality and the
weather. I also love sharing the therapeutic benefits
of essential oils with my fellow Filipinos.” - Evan
Holan & Cassy Nakata,
born and raised in Hawaii
since 1987
“People all over the world are looking
for ways to take care of their family’s
health naturally. dōTERRA equips
us to help them find these natural
solutions. No matter who you are or where you are
from, essential oils will benefit the entire family. My
parents told me to always remember my roots, and
that if I ever had the chance to support the Philippines,
I should take it. Now that dōTERRA is coming to the
Philippines, this is my chance to share the magic of
essential oils with Filipino families.” - Holan
Brian & Maria Chew,
residing in Singapore in
the last 13 years
“Health is a very
important aspect of life.
Without it, we would
not be able to do the things we want to
do. It is my heart’s desire to see my family
and friends healthy; that is why I fly to
the Philippines to share dōTERRA with
them. Watching their lives improve with
the power of essential oils is very fulfilling
for me.” - Maria