“When I’m talking to someone
about the business opportunity,
I tell them about the company’s
65 percent retention rate.
It is unheard of. That means
they’re not going to have to enroll
100 people a month. They can
enroll people that are actually
going to stay.”
Along the way, Eve learned some valuable
lessons. After driving 16 hours to a class
in Arizona that no one from her team
showed up to, she learned the importance
of preparing a host or hostess. “You need
to have some good qualifying conversations
as to what it looks like to host a class. You
need to teach them how to invite and not
just post on Facebook. You need to teach
them how to sample, how to plan a class.
When there’s a lot going on, it’s easy not
to plan future events, but you need to be
looking into the next two weeks and plan
those things out.”
Eve knows the most important thing that
people can do is share essential oils. “It’s
just opening your mouth and serving people
more than anything else. Listen to what
people say when you ask them how they’re
doing. Everyone has something going on
that you can help them with.” She makes it
about helping others and getting the oils into
their lives, even if they never build a business.
Eve considers her job done not just when
she gets someone to have an experience
with essential oils, but when all the products
have become a part of their lifestyle. “One of
my favorite things is the Loyalty Rewards
program and not because it builds my
business, though that is a nice byproduct,
but because when people are ordering
monthly they start trying different products
and incorporating the whole product line
into their lives. When they start turning to
dōTERRA for anything that goes wrong, that’s
when they powerfully change their lives.”
“I am a stay-at-home
mom, and I didn’t
feel like I had the
skills necessary to do
network marketing. I
had to figure out how
to believe in myself.”
“You only progress as
far as you let yourself.
If you don’t get rid
of your baggage, it’s
going to come up, get
in your way, and block
your path to success.
Don’t quit. Continue
working on yourself.”
“I focused on learning
from those who have
done this before. I was
always reading or
listening to something.
They don’t teach you
these things in school.
I had to learn a lot.”