Leadership Magazines Leadership Magazine Issue 5 | Page 33

new diamonds Paul and Delmar have always understood the principle of hard work. Delmar received a technical degree as an office manager and was working as a preschool program supervisor, while Paul was working as an information systems manager. Neither had thought much about direct sales, but all it took was the right approach. Many people refer to dōTERRA as a gift, but for Delmar and Paul it really was. Andrea Huddleston, a family friend, would once again make Christmas a life changing experience for the Ahlstroms by sending them a Family Physician Kit. dōTE The Ahlstroms at Kew Gardens, New York A DIAMO RR S ND Not long after this initial introduction, Natalie Goddard visited Seattle where she taught Delmar how to use essential oils. Delmar said, “I remember thinking, ‘this woman is pregnant, it must be important for her to come all this way.’” It was that kind of dedication and kindness that made Delmar realize she wanted to be part of this community. However, Delmar didn’t jump into the business immediately. She admits, “I actually had the Family Physician Kit for months without ever using the essential oils.” Finally when her daughter became ill, she felt a need to open the box. Delmar said, “I used the oils and watched as her health improved.“ This experience was the beginning of many. Delmar explains, “I started hearing reports about how dōTERRA essential oils were helping people so I began sharing them in a casual way.” After five months, Delmar felt very strongly about dōTERRA becoming a family business. Paul was very supportive of Delmar’s choice. With his backing and love, Delmar was able to grow her dōTERRA business enough to replace her income. This gave her options that were previously unavailable to her. With her dōTERRA business, Delmar made the choice to leave her career and became a stay-at-home mom. Delmar and Paul truly care about others’ choices. They want them to understand the possibilities that dōTERRA provides. In order to be a great leader, Delmar understands that you must put others first. It’s this understanding that has helped Delmar realize that business building is not complicated. She said ”dōTERRA seemed complicated when it was first presented to me, but it’s simple it’s just sharing and caring about others’ wellness.” In addition to putting others first, Delmar recommends becoming educated. She said, “Take a class about the product or the business each week. 90% of the training available is free. The more you learn the more confident you will become.” The Ahlstoms saw their own b