Daddy’s Oils
Sandalwood and Citrus Bliss “I love the
smell of these oils, I am drawn to them.”
Peppermint Beadlets “I find myself using
them all day, every day.” –Jared
Jared & Sheree Winger
On Guard “I take two drops every single
morning.” –Jared
“ he achievement of your goal is assured the moment you commit yourself to it.”
–Mack R. Douglas
Business Tip
“Close all
escape hatches
and completely
commit yourself.”
heree developed a strong friendship with Jared’s sister before
meeting Jared. Many of her other girlfriends happily took on
the role of pining over Jared, and so initially Sheree didn’t give
him much thought. However, when Jared met his sister’s friends it
was Sheree he was drawn to. After hearing her friends talk so highly
about Jared, it wasn’t hard for him to convince her he was a great guy.
Sheree remembers their first date to the Orange County Fair and says,
“We knew it was right from the very beginning.” Within the year they
were married and have since found immense happiness together.
While they were dating, Sheree recalls Jared sharing his dream to one day be a
basketball coach. Practical Sheree responded that if they wanted to fulfill their
dreams of having a large family, he may have to focus on other career goals.
Following his wife’s advice, Jared dove into developing a career that would offer
financial stability to his growing family. He started off in life insurance, ventured
into building his own business, and then more recently spent time working with
Essential leadership | winter 2012