“dōTERRA is a way of
life. I love the oils.”
-Charlie Dunker
Paul & Betsy Holmes Leland & Robin Jones
Brian & Rachel Jones
Kierston & Kyle Kirschbaum
hope, health, and
wealth; dōTERRA
is all of this and
–Deborah Dahl
Founder USA
Amber & Joe Kropf
Danny & Nicole Larson
Founder USA
Nolan & Pat Leavitt Roberto & Maree Loayza
“Thanks dōTERRA for giving me
alternatives for traditional
healthcare!” –Janet Vowles
Julene Martindale
Jason & Sharon McDonald David & Tammy Miller
“dōTERRA has helped not only my
family, but my friends as well. It is so
awesome to see someone’s face after
an essential oil has helped them. It just
makes my whole day!” - Misty Hofer
founder JPN
Crystal Nyman Riyo Ogawa
Richard & Jennifer Oldham
“I am on the fast track to financial
freedom and it feels so great to be
here while helping so many people
on the way.” –Sally Beredo
founder AUS
Kathy Pace
Spencer & Laura Pettit Adheesh Piel &
Santoshi Stone