new diamonds
Spencer and Laura both graduated from Brigham Young
University. Spencer graduated with a degree in Business
Management and Laura with a degree in Exercise Science.
As a ballerina, Laura has always been conscious of taking
care of her body, and exercise science allowed her to learn
more about how the body functions. Laura expected to
attend graduate school after her time at BYU, but their
sweet daughter Marné came along and Laura gladly put
that plan on hold to stay home. To provide for his growing
family, Spencer took a job after graduation at a local family entertainment company as Director of Marketing.
It was in that position, that Spencer was approached by
Allyse and Patrick Sedivy to join a start-up company.
Spencer and Laura saw it as a great opportunity and took
the plunge. That start-up soon merged with CityDeals
and Spencer was flourishing within the company. A few
months after the merge, the Sedivys announced they
were leaving CityDeals for dōTERRA. Just days later, the
Pettits received a call from the Sedivys urging them to
join dōTERRA as well. The Pettits joined at that time, but
knew little about essential oils and were not yet ready to
leave behind the security of CityDeals.
The Pettits began purchasing essential oils, but were not
yet confident in using them. When Laura was pregnant
with their second child, she began eliminating the chemicals from her home. She felt that if the products she was
using were not safe for her toddler and expected infant,
they were not safe for her either. She spent countless
hours researching alternatives and kept coming back to
essential oils. Laura started using the dōTERRA oils to
clean her home, and that led to her using them on her
children for health concerns. Before she knew it, essential
oils were integrated into every part of their lives.
Looking back, Spencer wishes he would have had more
faith in the business aspect of dōTERRA from the onset.
When the Sedivys started to experience real financial
success, Spencer knew he had been missing out on something incredible. He had been living in a world of hiring
and firing, while spending each day behind a computer
screen. When he embraced dōTERRA as a business, he
realized it wasn’t about hiring and firing, but rather working with individuals to help them reach their goals. His
heart and mind changed. Spencer realized true satisfaction and happiness come from servant-style leadership
rather than top-down leadership.
On the Pettit’s journey to Diamond they have learned that
people want to be part of growth and improvement. They
don’t want to join a business—they want to join a cause.
Spencer said, “Getting to Diamond is certainly about
aligning yourself with like minded people. However, your
business will on