new diamonds
The Harrisons were introduced to dōTERRA by Brianne
Hovey and Allyse Sedivy. Although Melyna had worked
as a massage therapist, she didn’t know much about
essential oils besides the fact that they smelled nice.
However, when Brianne and Allyse explained dōTERRA’s
business plan and how essential oils were helping families, Melyna knew she wanted to work with them. “I could
tell Brianne and Allyse were strong leaders,” Melyna says.
“Brianne and Allyse would have done dōTERRA without
us, but I don’t know if we would have joined dōTERRA as
quickly as we did without them.”
Within a few weeks, Melyna read the entire Modern Essentials book and began attending every class she could.
She certainly didn’t know everything about essential oils,
but she started sharing them anyway. “I relied on the
Modern Essentials book and my up-line to help teach me
as I taught others,” Melyna explains.
During that time, Melyna’s newborn came down with
a burning fever. Melyna explains, “I truly felt helpless!
They don’t label any medication as safe for young infants; I didn’t know what to do!” Melyna was well aware
that thousands of infants and toddlers are taken to the
emergency room each year and that she was not the only
mother in this situation. She took out her peppermint and
placed one drop on her infant’s neck. Immediately she
noticed it was working. “This was the first time I thought,
‘everybody needs this! Everybody gets fevers!’”
Originally John and Melyna viewed dōTERRA as a hobby
that would bring Melyna great satisfaction and possibly
help supplement John’s income. They never dreamed it
would be able to replace John’s income and bring him
home. However, only a few years after joining dōTERRA
John experienced a drastic shift in his career and dōTERRA
became a necessary vehicle to provide for their family.
Since then, John has been able to quit his job and now
enjoys helping Melyna build their dōTERRA business.
Melyna has found that a positive attitude makes all the
difference. She always tells her team, “It is your responsibility to be a pleasure to work with, regardless of any
frustration you may come across.” Melyna recognizes
this is an industry of serving and building relationships.
She says, “People will not always think the same way
you do and sometimes they may be hard to work with.
It is important to realize that you cannot control how
someone else acts, but you can control how you respond. Always be a pleasure. When you are a pleasure
to be around and work with, everyone stays motivated
and we all progress together.”
Always be a pleasure to work with
The Harrison family in Springville, Utah