new diamonds
I needed to be aware and careful of the things I was putting in and on my body.” Despite Kari researching natural
remedies, she wasn’t introduced to essential oils for a few
more years.
Essential oils were introduced into the Sammons’ home
when their son Connor was nine months old. He suffered
from severe acid reflux, and had never slept for more than
45 minutes at a time. Between caring for their infant and
toddler, Gary and Kari were more than exhausted. Kari remembers, “There was absolutely no rest for the weary.” They
tried everything they could think of to calm Connor’s acid
reflux, but nothing seemed to work.
In the midst of their exhaustion, Kari received a call from
her good friend Betsy Holmes. Betsy explained that she had
come across a digestive blend of essential oils. Betsy felt
that Kari should try it on Connor. Kari’s past experience in
Madagascar opened her mind to using plants for healing,
and so she eagerly accepted a sample. That evening she
put one drop of DigestZen on Connor’s stomach, and he
miraculously slept through the night. This was Kari’s miracle
moment. She said, “I was astonished at how effectively the
essential oils worked.”
As Kari was able to catch up on missed sleep and was
revitalized by LifeLong Vitality, she dove into researching
essential oils. She was hungry for knowledge on how they
had helped her son so effectively, and how they could help
others. The more she learned, the more she couldn’t help but
share her knowledge with everyone around her.
Gary watched as Kari’s passion developed and witnessed
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