Starting as Big as You Can
LifeLong Vitality “The supple-
ments have had an enormous impact
on my life.”–Rod
dōTERRA Skin Care “The
Rod & Jennifer Richardson
dōTERRA skin care line is the first skin
care to not irritate my skin.”–Jennifer
“You do not have to be a salesperson. The oil itself is the salesperson. The book
is the expert. You don’t have to be either, you are simply the facilitator.”
Business Tip
“No one gets to
Diamond on their
own, and no one gets
to Diamond by accident.
If someone wants that
benefit, then they need
to know that the sacrifice
is worth the reward.”
Essential leadership | fall 2012
od and Jennifer Richardson met while attending college.
After removing laundry from the dryer, so that Rod could
dry his clothes, Jennifer told her friends, “That’s the boy I’m
going to marry.” Rod saw Jennifer in the lunch room a short while
later, and thought to himself, ‘I really should date that girl.’ While
Rod was preparing to ask Jennifer out, Jennifer was strategically
preparing to be asked. Rod teases, “I was the victim of a very
elaborate sting operation.” However, both Rod and Jennifer wanted
the same thing, and within a short time they were married.
Rod received a degree in ranch management and a second in
marketing communications. Rod was an entrepreneur at heart, who
continually looked for the right fit. This frequently meant a change
in employment and location. The Richardson’s owned a business
training firm when their neighbor, Kelly Anderson, introduced them
to dōTERRA. Jennifer wasn’t feeling well when Kelly offered her a
bottle of Breathe and later an Introductory Kit. The rest of the family
was skeptical. They avoided the oils until Jennifer suggested Rod
use the peppermint for a stomach irritation.