new diamonds
“ ear is temporary, but regret is permanent.”
Asti and her boys were first introduced to dōTERRA
while attending a ‘mom and me’ party at the park. On
that particular day, Natalie Goddard taught an introductory class on dōTERRA essential oils. Asti, who
was very familiar with essential oils, immediately recognized the purity and potency of dōTERRA. Asti sat
through the class anxious to hear if this was a business opportunity. Asti explained, “Once I smelled the
oils, I knew they were something I wanted to share
with everyone.” After the class, Asti immediately ran
up to Natalie and asked for more information on the
business opportunity.
When Asti shared what she had learned about
dōTERRA with Dave, he was completely supportive.
Dave said, “Asti always succeeds at what she puts
her mind to.” He could see her passion and knew that
sharing the oils would be a great source of fulfillment
for her. Unlike Asti, Dave had previous experience
with network marketing. From the beginning he
was committed to helping her grow their business
the ‘right way.’ He wanted it to be something that
was sustainable.
Asti loves the ‘total confidence’ she and her family
have in dōTERRA essential oils. She knows they will
work and help her, no matter what situation she is
in. Even her young boys sense the powerful healing
properties of the essential oils. Recently at a family
party, Joshua noticed his cousin’s hurt foot. Joshua
ran up to Asti and said, “Mom! We need to put some
oils on her!” Later on, her son Benjamin requested,
“Mom, you need to teach your class at home so we
know what to do when you are gone.”
Looking Inward
The Atkinson family in Provo, Utah
Asti and Dave have worked together to teach and
share essential oils. They have the same enthusiasm
for dōTERRA at home, as they do when they work to
build their business. They love what Corey Lindley
taught when he said, “Your business will very closely
mirror your personal life. If there are weaknesses in
your team, look inward and you may see the same
weaknesses.” They have found that as they have
looked inward and worked to develop themselves as
strong leaders, their team has flourished, bringing
great success.