Leadership Magazines Leadership Magazine Issue 2 | Page 17

new diamonds The McDonald family in Gilbert, AZ later she called her back as a last-ditch effort prior to surgery. When she returned to the surgeon and x-rays were performed he exclaimed, “What did you do?” In his seventeen years of practice, he had never seen anything like it. Prior to this experience, Sharon’s response to essential oils would have been, “It’s great that you have found something that works for your family, but I’m not interested.” However, this experience opened her up to new poss ibilities and she began implementing essential oils into her family’s life. Sharon experimented with several essential oil companies before being invited to an event hosted by Allyse Sedivy. She felt obligated to attend because she had lived with Allyse in Europe. In August of 2010, after taking a month to decide, Sharon became a dōTERRA IPC. According to her, it was her husband’s idea. When he suggested she become a consultant she laughed stating, “I need an extra job like I need a hole in the head.” Unaffected by her response, he challenged her to think about it. dōTERRA wasn’t something Sharon was looking for, it wasn’t even on her radar. There was no financial need, Jason was a very successful executive, but still she felt inspired. Club. Sharon has this to say about her experience, “I have been able to do things in the last 14 months that are not humanly possible. I couldn’t be an assistant, business partner, business owner, organizer, and mother. There is no way that I could do this on my own.” “I recognize that joy comes from truly reaching in and digging deep,” Sharon said, “working in the trenches with your team changes a person.” She is motivated by the passion of ordinary people who are digging deep, changing their lives, and creating magnificent outcomes, while managing to stay out of their own way. Her team is small and financial benefits are not readily apparent, but the emotional and health changes are inspiring their growth. Her advice to others seeking success is first, stay true to yourself and second, collaborate and work with others regardless of the organization they are in. “People are naturally competitive,” Sharon exclaims, “but we need to remember it’s not about us, it’s about others. When we collaborate and reach our arms wide to embrace everyone, then we are adding to what creates the culture of dōTERRA.” Passion in the Trenches “ ook up–you get more accomplished when you can L see where you are going!” Sharon was already a product user so when she committed to become a dōTERRA IPC her focus was 100% business. She immediately became an active member of the Diamond 17