I am a real life “soccer
mom” in the truest sense
of the word. There is nothing
extraordinary about me. My
husband and I have been
married for 20 years and we
have five amazing children.
Before I was introduced
to dōTERRA, my time was
filled with running kids to
practices, PTA, volunteering at church, and all the
necessary tasks meant to
keep a household running. I
have a bucket list of things
that I want to do “someday”
but haven’t found the time
for yet.
When I was presented with
dōTERRA, I was not looking for something else to fill
my time. However, I became
infatuated with dōTERRA
essential oils. I knew they
were better than anything I
had been using previously.
I couldn’t stop myself from
sharing them. This of course,
translated into me “doing
the business” without even
knowing it. I was teaching
classes, talking to friends and
strangers, and doctoring up
kids on the soccer field, all
while balancing the responsibilities of being a wife and
a mother. My business grew
and I was content to do
dōTERRA ‘on the side,’ so to
speak. I set goals to advance
in rank, but I did nothing
to push myself outside my
comfort zone.
Finding my “Why”
About eight months ago,
everything changed for me.
After a lot of careful consideration and prayer, we
decided that my husband
would take a job out of state.
He would be moving to North
Dakota, over 800 miles away,
and the kids and I would be
staying behind. I knew having him gone 3 weeks out of
each month was going to be
a challenge, but I had no idea
just what I was getting into.
A few months into this new
arrangement, I found what I
had been missing, my “why.” A
reason to push myself outside
my comfort zone, I wanted to
build a business where I could
work side-by-side with my
husband. I wanted to create
more family time.
and Desire
Fortunately, at the same time,
Diamond Club was beginning. No matter how I spun it,
both on paper and out loud,
it seemed like the worst idea
possible. I had no idea how I
was going to make it all work,
but I knew that I wanted it. I
was committed to seeing it
through. My circumstances
were not ideal, but I suddenly
had a desire that was not
there before.
Being Honest
with Myself
I could have waited until
the next time around, when
No matter who you are, no matter what
obstacle you think lies in your path. No
matter how many other things you have
that create demand on your time, if you can
figure out your “why” then you can do this.
things in my life were calmer,
but I knew that if I was to
be honest that there would
never be a perfect time. I
have a friend whose mother
used to tell her, “If you don’t
want something bad enough,
any old excuse will do!” I had
a list of excuses—I didn’t
have enough time for a business, I wasn’t business savvy.
My kids were too busy, my
husband was working out of
town, and I didn’t have the
help. There were so many
people better suited for this, I
didn’t like network marketing,
and the list goes on. I had to
decide to work with what I
had rather than wait for some
ideal situation that may never
come. I could have sat back
content with making excuses
and waiting, but instead my
“why” propelled me forward.
My point is this, no matter
who you are, no matter what
obstacle you think lies in
your path, if you can figure
out your “why,” then you can
do this. It won’t matter what
unique circumstances you
find yourself in. With desire
and commitment, you can
turn today into the first day
of an incredible journey. I am
so glad that I did! Every day I
get closer to my goal. I WILL
be a dōTERRA Presidential
Diamond. I WILL have the
family time that I want. I
WILL spend every day working with what I have in order
to reach my goals.