Leadership Magazines Leadership Magazine Issue 16 | Page 6

NEW dōTERRA DIAMONDS Eric & Sandra Wang It’s Wonderful W hen Sandra Wang started asking around to see if anyone knew of “You have to commit to doing what’s necessary to be successful in this business. You don’t get success in anything in life unless you commit the time and effort and get outside of your comfort zone.” –Eric has always been my passion, so sharing helping. Find out what they need, what Ultimately, they are grateful for what dōTERRA is very natural for me.” oil can help them, and once they find dōTERRA has brought them. Sandra that, you got it.” Eric adds, “Someone says, “It’s wonderful to have a business has to have a meaningful experience where your spouse is involved. It’s with the oils. You have to solve a wonderful to have a business that you concern. I’ve only ever seen people love to do. It’s wonderful to have a Sandra says, “We stress with our leaders make a committed decision to get business where you make new friends. that they need to give people that involved with dōTERRA when they Financial and time freedom is hard work ‘aha’ moment. You have to find a have a huge belief in what the oils to achieve, but it’s worth it at the end of connection with the person you are can do for people.” the day. It’s taught us to be thankful.” The Wangs know that their business is centered on giving people a powerful experience with dōTERRA products. something that could help her daughter with her health issues, her neighbor H O W T O A LWAY S I M P R O V E Tawnya Hsiung offered her dōTERRA essential oils. Sandra had such good results that her whole family started using the oils and she started telling others about them. Eventually, Sandra started learning more about the business from 1 DECIDE TO ACT “Lots of Wellness Advocates have periods where they feel like they’re not improving or achieving the things they wanted to. I always tell these people that they’re not a failure. You don’t fail unless you give up—but lip service is not going to get you anywhere.” 2 SET GOALS “Have three personal goals and three business goals every quarter. Every 90 days you want to strive to achieve these goals, whether it’s listening to more webinars, achieving your Power of 3, or a new rank.” 3 TELL PEOPLE “After you have those goals set, let your upline and downline know what you’re doing, not just yourself or your spouse. Spell it out. Announce what you’re striving for, because if you don’t let them know, they won’t know how to support you.” Tawnya’s husband, David, and decided she wanted to get involved. Sandra’s husband, Eric, had grown up in a family that had a lot of success in network marketing. From his experience, he knew that they would have to look closely at the compensation plan and the leaders of the company before starting a business. Eric was actually able to sit down to dinner with a few of the executives and ask them a lot of questions. He says, “I came away very impressed with them. I started to realize that this company was going to do fantastic, and knew that Sandra had to get involved.” Eric recognized that both he and Sandra lacked sales experience, so he left his job as a software engineer to get involved in “Your leaders look up to you. They see your commitment and IT recruiting. He says, “I’m not a person dedication to them. If who’s an extrovert or has a huge network, your heart’s in it and you so I did a career change in correspon- care for them, they will dence with dōTERRA to learn how to do sales, how to talk to strangers, and how to deal with meeting new people.” Sandra, see that and they will follow you.” –Sandra on the other hand, has a master’s degree in public health with a specialty in health education. She says, “Health education 6 dōTERRA ESSENTIAL LEADERSHIP I SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2015 www.doterra.com 7