Ben & Megan Warden
“It’s pretty amazing what this has
opened up for us. It’s changed
our lives completely.” –Ben
egan Warden knew Janae Arancibia
from working with her in a different
direct sales company. One day while
at Janae’s house, Megan noticed that it
smelled different. Janae started to tell her
all about dōTERRA essential oils, and sent
Megan home with some samples. Megan
says, “I wanted to call her back and say,
Fit it in the
Include the
Find ways to take
Do it for
your team.
“I’ll go through the
calendar and put all my
kids’ school and work
schedules on there first.
Then, I look for the cracks
where I can fit dōTERRA
in. Sometimes, I take my
kids with me to classes or
on one-on-one trips, and
sometimes I go with Ben.”
“I post my calendar in
a big, visible area so my
family always knows where
I’m going to be. They write
down my enrollments for
the month to make sure I’m
getting them all, and they
cross off every day so they
know when it’s close to
being done.”
"During Diamond Club,
every time there was a local
class on a Tuesday, Ben
taught the class and gave
me a night to be home
with the family. This also
helps me teach Ben, just
like any of my other leaders,
how to do what I do in the
“We did Diamond Club two
times, and honestly I didn’t
want to do it the second
time. The reason I did it
again was to support my
team. I wanted them to get
what I’ve gotten, and in turn
I understand that that helps
my family. That pushed me
to get out there.”
financially as Megan put everything she
business. They both decided to make
their friends couldn’t eat with us
made back into building her business.
the goal of reaching Diamond. But, they
because we barely had enough food
When she finally hit her $1,500 Power
agree that it’s better not to focus so much
for our own kids. Now, our fridge is
of 3, Ben got a full-time job as a
on rank. Ben says, “Focus on your organi-
teacher—and she was already making
zation and helping them get paychecks.
full for them to have as much as they
as much as he was. Ben says, “It was
That will help fuel your business—that
tough, but if you stay consistent and
is where the long-term money is.
keep doing the formula, then you’re
The ranks will come regardless.”
going to be successful. We knew that,
so we just stayed with it.”
Since hitting Diamond, Megan loves
want.” They feel relief as parents to
know they no longer have to worry
about money. Ben says, “When you’re
going through the hard times you think,
‘Why is this happening? Why can’t we
that, instead of counting every penny,
get a break?’ But now, we look back at
When Ben attended Leadership Retreat
she can go to the grocery store and
those hard times and it helps us to be
with Megan, his eyes were opened
buy whatever she wants. She says,
more grateful and more generous with
to what they could really do with the
“Before we had to tell our kids that
what we have now.”
‘Ha-ha, these don’t work,’ but they did.”
Megan and her husband, Ben, were
struggling a lot financially at the time.
They had six kids and Ben was only
working part-time. Because of that,
Megan was really interested in the
“What we can do
in people’s lives
through dōTERRA
is so gratifying. It’s
not about the money
as much anymore.
Instead, we do
it to help people
financially and
physically in their
lives.” –Ben
business aspect of dōTERRA from the
beginning. Ben says, “I was painting curbs,
doing whatever I could to make a little
bit of money here and there, and then
Megan came to me and said, ‘Hey, there’s
this company called dōTERRA.’” Though
he was initially shocked at the cost of the
Natural Solutions Kit she bought, Ben
was supportive of Megan working hard
to support their family.
“We have
six kids,
but we use
that as our
not our
“We didn’t start out making money,”
Megan says. They continued to struggle