Presidential Diamond Tips
Congratulations on Reaching Presidential Diamond
Kevin & Natalie Wysocki
“People are drawn to this company. I think that’s because it’s so much about helping
others, and people innately love to help others. With dōTERRA, they’re helping change
lives physically and financially and that really draws people in.” –Natalie
How events can enhance your growth:
“Diamond Club is the secret sauce to dōTERRA.
That’s been huge for our business—both participating
in and sponsoring people in Diamond Club.” –Natalie
“We encourage people to qualify to participate in
Diamond Club. Promoting corporate events has also
really helped us.” –Kevin
Natalie: I had this pretty picture in my mind of exactly the way
it was going to look once Kevin was home full time. I struggled
for a little bit. It’s a harder transition than you would think. What
I’ve learned is I just had to let go of that picture in my head. I
had to relax into it and let it be what it is.
What have you learned about balancing running your
business and taking care of your family?
Kevin: For me, balance has been great with dōTERRA. I had
such a lopsided atmosphere with my prior work. I didn’t get
to spend a lot of time with my family. dōTERRA has given me
a chance to take a breath, step back, and prioritize what’s
important. It’s made a huge difference in our family.
What advice would you give to someone who is trying to
What was the transition like when you started working
reach Presidential Diamond?
together in the business?
Kevin: You have to be able to develop the necessary qualities
in other people and help them become leaders to get to
the next rank. I think the biggest qualities they need are
persistence and consistency.
Kevin: In March of 2014, we sold my insurance company,
which had been pretty much my identity up until that point.
I learned that a lot of my self-worth was tied up in my job.
Honestly, I struggled. For my entire life, I had worked really hard
and done lots of things with my business, but I hadn’t taken
the time to develop a sense of self-worth that wasn’t tied to an
accomplishment. I learned through dōTERRA to become who
I am and understand that my self-worth is from me, not what I
do. That was a big deal for me.
Natalie: The sooner you can draw out strengths in others, the
sooner it will change your business. Help your leaders figure
out why they’re doing this. Everyone has something they’re
good at. I look at my team members and everyone has very
different personalities, but they’ve all been successful. I try to
draw out their best traits and help them believe in themselves.
Natalie: As you’re growing in the beginning, you’re going to be
a little off balance, but what you get from that sacrifice is all the
time in the world to create the life you want. That’s the beauty
of this business. Once you get to Diamond and above, you
know how to help and empower people. I encourage everyone
to work to get to Diamond.
How do you empower your team so that reaching higher
ranks is less stressful?
Natalie: If your focus is on empowering your team to be
leaders, then it’s really simple. Focus on honing in on those few
people who are showing up, who want it, and who really feel
the fire in their belly and are doing the steps to get there. Take
those people and work with them. That’s the best part about
dōTERRA. I’ve learned what it means to be a team and to have
one another’s back. It feels like we’re a family.
How to divide work betw een spouses:
“We look at the to-do list of what needs to be done
and we choose who’s going to do what, sometimes based
on who’s better at it. We distribute and manage together
to get it done.” –Kevin
“In the beginning, his support was extremely important.
Now that he’s home, we team up on everything that
needs to be done whether it’s work or family. That was
my biggest reason for doing dōTERRA, so that we could
be a team.” –Natalie
At this stage, what is motivating you to continue
building your business?
Kevin: Changing people’s lives. Empowering people to take
care of their health and watching leaders grow.
Natalie: I love helping people. I love that when people want
a different way of being able to raise their family they come to
me for help on how to make it happen. dōTERRA doesn’t feel
like work to me, it’s the opposite—it fills me up.
How has dōTERRA changed your life?
Natalie: dōTERRA has helped me to see strengths I didn’t
know I had. I never set out to be a businesswoman. Being
recognized as a leader intimidated me because it felt like too
much responsibility. I get what leadership is now—it’s caring
deeply for people, loving them, drawing out their strengths,
and finding what they’re great at. I’ve been able to see my own
strengths, and that’s been a real gift.
Kevin: I’ve been able to realize that there’s more out there
than putting the blinders on and going to work. Being around
this movement of people trying to help other people become
healthy has changed the way I take care of myself. I had been
shoving all that stuff under the rug because I was so wrapped
up in my career. I didn’t stop to think about what the things I
was doing and eating were doing to my body or my longevity,
or my ability to be with my family later in life. I’ve realized that
taking care of my health is important and I’ve completely
changed that in my life because of dōTERRA.