Leveraging Health
r. Melissa Esguerra worked as a
different medium where it was leveraged
everyone with the answers. She says,
functional medicine doctor and
and the income potential was higher.
“I had to show people that you don’t
a chiropractor at a natural medicine
They didn’t have to trade time for dollars
have to be a health-care provider to
center where she met Joy Bernstein,
all the time. After that, I committed to a
know about essential oils. That’s actually
who worked at the front desk. They both
different level of doing the business.”
the beauty of dōTERRA—you don’t
left the center around the same time—
Melissa then started her own practice
and Joy started a dōTERRA business.
Joy asked Melissa if she would be
interested in bringing dōTERRA essential
oils into her clinic as a product line.
Melissa reluctantly agreed in order to
support her friend, but it wasn’t long
before she started to see her patients
have amazing results with the oils.
She committed to reaching Diamond
to be able to close her practice by the
time her lease was up on her office. She
says, “We hit Diamond the same month
I walked out of my clinic. I was a little
nervous about it actually happening like
it was supposed to, but sure enough, it
all came together like it was meant to
be.” Melissa’s husband, Evan, also owns
his own business, a mixed martial arts
By incorporating the oils into her practice
and enrolling her patients who wanted
them, Melissa hit Silver her first year.
Then, Joy dragged her to Leadership
gym that he still runs part-time. But,
through dōTERRA they are now able to
spend more time together and work
together in their dōTERRA business.
have to be an expert at all to be
empowered in your own home.”
Evan adds, “I always thought that the
way to get to the top of anything would
be to be very impressive. Now, I realize
that the secret to success is showing
people that what we do is doable.
Duplication is everything.”
Now, Melissa is amazed to see herself
living her vision board. She says, “I have
this life I never thought I’d be able to
step into, and I want my team to be able
to feel what I’m able to wake up and
experience every day.” She had always
Retreat. Melissa says, “At Leadership
As a health-care practitioner, Melissa
worked in high-stress environments,
Retreat, I was totally opened to what
had to learn that in dōTERRA it’s not
and now she’s able to work in a healthier
was possible with dōTERRA. I saw people
always best to act like the expert. She
way that leverages her time. “I absolutely
that had the same passion for healing
feels that she was held back from
adore this company, opportunity, and
that I did, but they were doing it in this
getting to Diamond sooner by providing
mission that we get to be a part of.”
Diamond Tips
“Sometimes when
resistance comes up in
our growth, we get the
opportunity to look at
what’s going on inside us.
Oftentimes, by doing some
personal development,
meditation, or prayer, those
things come out, we can
unblock ourselves, and the
flow is reestablished.”
“Build out toward Premier
first. Then as you continue
to reach more people, you’ll
attract that third leg. Then
Power of 3 will come a little
bit easier because you’ve
learned while building those
two solid legs and you can
build that third leg faster
and with more confidence.”
Evan & Dr. Melissa Esguerra
“Thinking about it is already
doing something toward
working for the volume you
need. There’s a cognitive
dissonance between
where you want to be and
where you’re at, and if you
keep that tension it will
eventually disappear either
by letting go of the goal or
realizing it.” –Evan
“Be unattached to what
people do. Inhale intention
and exhale expectation.
Don’t get your feelings
hurt—it’s not about you.
Show up to serve and it
won’t matter if people
decide not to sign up right
away. Showing up to help
others feels good all the
time.” –Melissa
“Our experience with
relationships is getting
amplified now that we’re
Diamond. By improving the
relationships we have with
our builders, we’re also
learning how to improve
our relationship with each
other.” –Evan