The Slight Edge, by Jeff Olsen
Being the Starfish, by Neal Anderson
“Something I learned from this book is you need to
do the things that are easy to do, but are easy not to do.
In the last two months as I was trying to qualify for Diamond,
I got a random encouraging text from one of my leaders every
week. This was huge for me, but easy for her. Over time,
the little things you do will make all the difference.”
–Stephanie Fritz, Diamond
“This is my favorite personal development book.
It hammered home the importance of serving those
with whom we’re sharing dōTERRA; it’s really a holistic
approach of determining their needs rather than ours and
confidently offering solutions based on those needs. Neal gives
the most practical steps and tips, and I noticed a difference in
my success rates from the first time I implemented his advice.”
–Jocelyn Jarvis, Silver
“Even though technology can help make our lives easier, we
have become more and more busy and feel like we lack the
time to get it all done. This book helps you realize that you can
get it all done by consistently doing the little things necessary
every day, instead of trying to get it all done in one day.”
–Colin Kelly, Diamond
“This book gives you the hard truth and motivates you all
the way down to the bones in your toes. Jeff lays out all the
ways our small individual choices add up in the long term to
success or failure. It has never been so clear to me how simple
success is and how to achieve it, whether I’m trying to lose
weight or building my dream business, until I read this book.”
–Julie Bates, Gold
Go Pro, by Eric Worre
“This is an excellent book for those that desire to build a
business with dōTERRA. I gift it to my new Wellness
Advocates that want to share dōTERRA with others. It covers
and teaches the seven network marketing skills that are crucial
to building your dōTERRA business. Commit to working on and
improving those skills and you will grow your dōTERRA
business and empower so many people physically, emotionally,
and financially.” –Lara Rininger, Silver
“Go Pro teaches the core principle actions to build a network
marketing business, and take the steps to do it in a professional
way. It teaches you to treat this as a profession. It really helps
your people start off on the right foot.” –Angela Villa, Diamond
Beach Money, by Jordan Adler
Personal Development
Book List
Every leader will tell you how necessary personal development is when building
your business. Ever wonder where to get started? Here is a list of the top personal
development books recommended by our do-TERRA leaders:
“The simple steps listed in this book for success in
network marketing make it all feel possible. I have
changed the way I do business because of the three-step
process in this book. I learned that if an eight-year-old can’t do
it, then it’s not duplicable.” –Jeanne Bradley, Silver
“This book is what actually got my husband onboard with me in
our business.” –Alyssa Collins, Silver
“This is the basic book I share with my new team members.
It’s a quick read, easily digested, but with a powerful message.
It introduces the importance of the concept of residual income
and gets my builders off on the right foot.” –Traci Kennebeck,
Blue Diamond
“This book set the tone for our whole team. It gives amazing
insight on how to share in a way that is heartfelt, duplicable,
and simple. We have everyone that has joined our team and
wants to share read this book.” –Tiffany Pate, Silver
“This book offers very practical and specific help about the
steps needed to be successful with sharing dōTERRA. This book
and the strategies in it have helped me get over some of the
hurdles I was having, and now I can share it with my team and
they are having similar success. I highly recommend this book.”
–Karla Gleason, Gold
The Big Leap, Gay Hendricks
“This was a very life-changing book that helped me to
see my upper limit problem. I think most people could
really benefit from seeing clearly what’s holding them back and
stop muddling things up when they are going well. We do this
without conscious awareness, and this book helps one to see
why, when things are going well, things stop going well. The
central hidden realization we can come to is that when we begin
to enjoy great success in some area of our lives, we tend to
create problems in that or another area of our lives. We do this
because we hit our upper limit of happiness, financial success,
joy in a relationship, or any number of other things. This upper
limit causes us to unconsciously sabotage ourselves or even
make ourselves ill. Dr. Hendricks explains that we may have one
or more of four hidden barriers that activate our upper limit
self-sabotage. The barriers are caused by: feeling fundamentally
flawed, disloyalty and abandonment issues, believing that more
success brings a bigger burden, and the perceived crime of
outshining. When we learn to break through our barrier, we can
move into the zone of genius.” –Andrea Lambert, Silver
Other Book Recommendations:
1. Get off the Bench by Justin Harrison
2. Start with Why by Simon Sinek
3. H