“My job is nurturing,
supporting, and
working with my
emerging leaders.”
Josie Schmidt
Affect More Lives
“When I look at people, I see their light, grace, and potential,
even when they’re in the mud. I believe in them and their journey.”
and affect more people’s lives than
I could in private clinical practice.”
osie Schmidt watched as her good
friend Aisha Harley struggled through
a health issue. Slowly, she saw Aisha
improve—and start to smell really good.
That was when Aisha introduced Josie to
dōTERRA essential oils. As a naturopath,
Josie had been exposed to essential
oils before but had never taken them
seriously. When she first experienced
dōTERRA oils, she could feel how strong
they were. She says, “I felt like they were
little bottles of light energy.”
Josie has always coached people
personally in her profession, and
she also enjoys the mentoring and
coaching she gets to do with her team
in dōTERRA. Her strengths are the
encouragement and inspiration she
brings to her team. She says, “For me,
this is about working with each of my
leaders, supporting them where they
are, and having patience with them.
Different teams are going to have
different paces, and I don’t push them.
I know they’re doing well according to
their timeline.”
She started using the oils, and within two
months they replaced everything else
she had been using and gave her better
results. She started teaching and sharing
about them both in her professional
and personal life, and soon found that
she enjoyed being able to reach a wider
audience than she had before. Josie
says, “dōTERRA is an incredible vehicle
for me to teach about natural health
Being a health-care professional has both
helped and hindered Josie’s business.
People like hearing her perspective on
the science facet of dōTERRA and she
gives validity to the cause, but it also
makes it hard for people to feel like
they can duplicate what she does.
She’s found it helpful to bring in dōTERRA
builders who are stay-at-home moms
to teach classes for her team, so they
can know that you don’t have to be a
naturopath to be successful in dōTERRA.
Through dōTERRA, Josie’s whole lifestyle
has changed. She has the freedom to
visit her family on the East Coast three
or four times a year and travel as much
as she wants. She says, “It’s been
incredible, that mobility and that
monetary shift. I’m in a different
expansion of abundance and that’s
freeing and opening.” She knows it would
have been impossible to achieve any of
this without her team. “I don’t deserve
much credit at all. A Diamond is just little
carbon molecules that come together to
make up the whole.”
Qualifying Builders
Talk about the
“In the beginning, it’s hard
for people to out the pink
elephant in the room and talk
about the business aspect,
but you won’t get any sharers
unless you do.”
Wait for sharers.
Have an agreement.
“Work wide on your frontline
until you get someone who
is stepping toward you as a
sharer. Plant those seeds and
watch them mature.”
“Don’t build under people
unless they have a concept
of what the business is. Have
a very clear agreement with
them that they need to have
a minimum qualification of a
100 LRP.”
Be upfront with
“Tell them if at any time
they don’t want to do
the business, there’s the
possibility of an account
transfer. I’ve gotten real with
them from the beginning.”