“You don’t have to have a lot of letters behind your name to do dōTERRA.
You just need the will to keep going.”
Zach & Kylene Lessig
A Grander Plan
fter growing up on essential oils,
She tells her team to structure for
think about what’s going to be best for
biggest joy I get out of this is when I
Diamond, even if they are not interested
the person who is being enrolled.”
get to see them live out their purpose
in becoming Diamond at first. She’s
grateful today that her enroller told her
to do that from the beginning. Kylene
also teaches her team to put the needs
of others before their own when placing
people. She says, “Never get so caught
up with your Power of 3 that you don’t
Kylene is grateful for all she’s achieved
through dōTERRA. She says, “It melts my
heart when I see people on my team
become more than what they thought
they could be, but that I knew they had
in them from the very beginning. The
and full potential.” She knows dōTERRA
is where she’s meant to be. “This is
something I feel like I was cut out to do.
When I look back, I see that everything
was falling into place in a grander plan
that was already set out for me.”
Kylene Lessig thought dōTERRA
was just one more company trying to say
their oils were the best. When a woman
at a dōTERRA booth offered her free oils
if she hosted a class, Kylene agreed. She
could tell when she first smelled dōTERRA
oils that they were different, and she was
WATER YOUR PLANTS “dōTERRA is not like anything else you’ve ever experienced. You don’t
have to enroll the whole team yourself to make it successful, you just need to enroll a few people
and do a good job watering your plants.”
BEAR FRUIT “You don’t have to keep planting seeds all over your garden and then go on to the
next garden. You just need to water the plants until they bear fruit, then keep reproducing the
process from their seed.”
CULTIVATE THE GARDEN “Once you get going, the income is going to stay. You just have to
keep doing the tiny little tasks every day that are easy to do, just like you keep watering your
garden, cultivating the soil, and giving it lots of light.”
USE FERTILIZER “You’re not always going to find builders right away. Some people might not be
‘builder material,’ but the fertilizer is personal development. If your builders work on themselves,
they’ll sprout up.”
excited that she had essential oils she
could feel confident recommending to
others. From there, she just kept hosting
classes as her friends and family enrolled.
She says, “When you do the business
gradually it’s like you don’t realize it’s
happening. I thought, ‘Why am I getting
these checks? This is a mistake.’”
When her upline moved, she was forced
to start teaching classes on her own. She
was scared when she did it her first time.
She says, “But then I realized that I can
teach a class and people are actually going
to get a lot out of it, not because of what
I’m saying particularly, but because of what
the oils have already said.”
From there, she saw success because she
was so eager to see her downline succeed.
She says, “If you just focus on helping your
downline meet their goals, you end up
ranking whether you had the goal to or not.”
She’s also learned how to best communicate
with her team according to their individual
languages and personalities. “I had to
allow my leaders to be and not try to grow
“My husband is
very helpful and
supportive. He
now uses enough
products all on his
own to fulfill our
monthly orders.”
a business for them. I had to just keep
helping and let them come up in their own
time, in their own way.”