“You can choose to focus on obstacles and the reasons why it
won’t work, or you can choose to focus on what you want and find
a way around the obstacles.” –Jon
Jon & Duquesa Lamers
fter going through three major
health setbacks in a year, Jon and
Duquesa Lamers were desperate to find
a solution. One of their friends was brave
enough to invite them to an essential oils
class. Duquesa attended and came back
excited about the possibilities these oils
could bring for their family. Though they
were broke, they decided to buy a kit.
Now, this family of five has been blessed
with a sixth child on the way.
Jon is a youth minister and Duquesa
homeschools their children, so they were
busy but also in need of help financially.
They were, however, uncertain if the
dōTERRA business opportunity would
work for them. Their upline, Terry and
Maria Heuser-Gassaway, drove down
to Texas and met with them for hours,
answering all their questions. Jon says,
“At that point, it got very real for us. This
wasn’t just a sales pitch or an oppor-
tunity that is not really attainable. It became
something that maybe we could do.”
They decided to give it a shot.
In the beginning, the idea of making
$1,000 a month seemed incredible to
Jon and Duquesa. Hitting Silver changed
their lives in a massive way. Then they
entered Diamond Club, though the
timing was far from ideal. Duquesa had
their fifth child during the first month,
Jon was still working full time, and
Duquesa was homeschooling their four
other children. Jon says, “We figured if
we could do it, then it was worth our
effort. We believe that a lot of the effort
we put forth during Diamond Club in the
beginning of the year led to us hitting
Diamond at the end of it.”
Sharing the business opportunity with
others is one of their favorite things
now that they know how valuable it
is. Jon says, “I don’t think you’re ever
going to encounter a more viable,
lucrative, realistically attainable, and also
personally fulfilling opportunity. Once
you understand the immense value of
this, you can share it with others with
the excitement that it merits.” Duquesa
adds, “It’s incredible how just mentioning
the possibility of the business to people
really o pens so many doors.”
Jon says, “Our life is totally different than it
was a little over two years ago.” They went
from living in a small rental home they
could barely afford, to owning a home
of their own on five acres. They feel that
they’ve grown as people, formed deeper
relationships with others, and have more
time to be with their family. “It’s changing
our lives and the only thing that will make
it better is if we get to share it with the
people on our team who we love so much.”
Success in dōTERRA Comes from Four Things:
MINDSET “You have to first catch the
vision and see where you’re going.
Then, remove all limiting beliefs and
figure out how to motivate yourself
as much as possible.”
SKILLS “Learn the simple skills that are
necessary for building. It’s not rocket
science—these aren’t difficult skills. You
just have to learn a few new things and
do them consistently.”
“The oils have empowered me as a mother to be able to care for my family.” –Duquesa
PLAN “Know how you’re going to
proceed with building. It’s probably
best to talk to an upline builder so they
can pass that on to you.”
ACTION “Urgently go after it. Don’t
just think about it. Far too many people
have the plan right, but then don’t
follow up on it.”