“dōTERRA has
completely enhanced
every good thing
that I already had.”
Matthew & Nicole Vincent
Powerful Womanhood
efore dōTERRA, Nicole Vincent
the business.” Then, when someone she
Nicole had been a stay-at-home mom
would describe herself as being
signed up started getting more involved
for more than 10 years before dōTERRA.
as non-naturally-minded as you could
in the business, Nicole got more excited.
She says, “I love being a mom, but for
be. When her friend invited her to a
“After I saw what can happen when I
10 years I was just going through the
dōTERRA class, Nicole thought that
have someone on my team who is as
motions. I didn’t have any passion or
essential oils were weird hippy stuff. She
passionate as I am, I really started kicking
drive. dōTERRA has lit me on fire and
went to the class just to see her friend.
it into gear.”
helped me evolve into this powerful
When Nicole hit Silver for the first time,
inspires people. I’ve become someone
She left with a Modern Essentials book,
thinking maybe these oils could be an
emergency backup to traditional health
care. For some reason, she couldn’t get it
out of her head that this was something
she needed to do.
woman who knows who she is and
she wasn’t able to maintain it. She got
my daughters can look up to and see
discouraged, thinking maybe her success
what motherhood and womanhood
was just a fluke. She attended an Elite
can be. I’m very proud of that.”
retreat put on by her upline, and was
able to connect with people who were
When the essential oils were effective
Diamond and above. She says, “I saw
for her, Nicole decided people should
that there wasn’t anything spectacular
know about them and started casually
or abnormal about them. They were
sharing and teaching classes. She still
normal people just like I was.” She
didn’t want to be one of those people
realized she could do what they had
running a direct sales business out of
done. She joined Diamond Club and was
her home. She says, “I love to teach and
amazed at the momentum it created on
be in front of people. I’m very outgoing
her team that really pushed her toward
and extroverted, but I did not want to do
Her journey was difficult, but she is still
grateful for it. “Doing this business has
reaching Diamond.
completely inspired me on so many
levels. It’s what I needed to become who
I was meant to be. I don’t feel like I’ve
reached my pinnacle, but I’m definitely
on the right road. I was in a very negative
place when I started on this journey, and it
has brought a 180 degree change in me.”
How to Succeed
Put in the work
Inspire others
Be humble
“Success comes when you put
in the work. It might not come
in the timing you’re hoping for,
but it comes. I really believe
that the only people that are
not successful in this are those
that quit.”
Improve yourself
“Don’t just work hard by
doing things that grow your
business, but work hard on
improving yourself. Really
learn how to magnify your
strengths and minimize your
weaknesses so that you can
become a better and stronger
person that’s able to do more.”
“As you progress, you have to
be able to inspire others. If you
haven’t changed and morphed
on this journey, then you’re
going to be lacking.”
“You can’t be successful if
you don’t seek help from
others. If what you’re doing
isn’t working, ask what you
can change. You need to be
humble and teachable and
seek for that guidance and be
willing to change.”
“My husband has always been supportive of me, and he is
excited to see me find my passion, progress, and succeed.”