“dōTERRA has allowed my husband and I
to work together as a team, which has been
an amazing experience.”
Paul & Nancy Knopp
“Faith and belief are
the key foundations to
your success.”
fter working as a nurse for five years,
Nancy Knopp was introduced to
natural health solutions. From there, she
decided to build her own business seeing
clients in her home as a certified natural
health practitioner. It was then that she
was introduced to dōTERRA. She and
her husband, Paul, tried the essential oils
and could immediately tell the difference.
Before long, Nancy was holding her own
classes and sharing dōTERRA with her
clients, family, and friends. She says, “The
main reason I wanted to do dōTERRA was
to see that my friends and family could
create an income through sharing natural
health solutions like I was already doing.
I wanted thousands of people to have the
alternative to use natural health solutions,
and I saw dōTERRA as a way to do that.”
to get to Diamond. It’s hard to know when
someone is going to be that successful
leader, but she has learned to go with her
gut when placing people on her frontline.
She says, “I look at what traits they have as
a successful leader and what I have peace
about in my heart.”
When she has people tell her they are going
to build a business and they don’t follow
through, Nancy knows that sometimes
that means they have a mental block
that’s holding them back. She says, “True
leadership comes with the ability to see
themselves for who they are. I always ask
them what they think and believe about
themselves, and then we discover what
the lie is and get rid of it. Sometimes all they
need is to know is that I believe in them to
keep moving forward.”
Today, dōTERRA has opened up Nancy
and Paul’s minds to dream bigger than they
ever have before. Nancy says, “It’s amazing
to have the top passions of your life be
incorporated into your business, to be
financially free, and to create the dreams that
you want to live. I know now that I
can reach for even bigger dreams. I’ve
realized that there’s so much more that
we can do in life.”
From the beginning, Nancy knew she
wanted to be Diamond and she worked to
find her top builders as quickly as possible.
When identifying builders, she looks for
their passion, their influence, and how they
communicate with others. She says, “You
don’t always know at first who’s going to
be a builder. You have to keep giving and
having your hands open. You have to say,
‘Whatever comes my way, I’ll put action
where there’s action.”
Nancy emphasizes to her team that in the
end it only takes four successful leaders
“When I invite
someone to do the
business, I tell them,
‘You can do this. I
believe in you.’ And
I really do. I then ask
why they can do this
and tell them what it’s
been like for me.”
“I sit down with them
for several hours and
teach them about
the business and the
compensation plan.
I walk them through
why they’re doing
this and what their
dreams are.”
“In the following
weeks we set up some
classes, and at those
classes I sit down with
them and show them
how to sign people up
in their back office.”
“Once they’re ready
to start doing their
own classes, I tell them
that everything I’ve
done with them they
need to do with the
people they sign up as
“I meet them where
they are. If they need
more help, I give them
more help. I set goals
with them and the
action steps they
need to take to meet
those goals.”