Joe & Lori Hayes
“Having a team that you can
depend on is such a big part of this
business. We all want to feel like
we are part of a loving, caring, and
positive community—and that is
exactly what we have.”
hen Lori Hayes lost both her
parents to cancer at relatively
young ages, she decided that she
wanted to pursue a business in natural
health to help create a better future for
her and her kids. She had been involved
with another direct sales business for
12 years when the company closed, and
Lori then began searching for a company
that sold health-related products. During
her research, she found dōTERRA and
before long decided it was the company
and product that she could get behind.
As she grew her dōTERRA business, Lori
discovered it was a very different from
her previous direct sales experience. She
says, “With my last company I sold home
décor and I never had someone call
me up and say, ‘Thank you so much for
selling me this bowl.’ With dōTERRA, I don’t
sell, I share and educate—and people
come to me. I didn’t expect the satisfaction
I would feel when I helped someone
feel better. People are always thanking
me for sharing the oils, and I’ve come to
realize how much I love helping them.”
Lori knew to train her team on the
importance of simplicity and consistency
from the very beginning. She says, “I
think people try to overcomplicate
things, and I don’t. Building a thriving
business boils down to duplicating what
you do with everyone else on your team.
Focus on the basics and train your team
to do the same.”
Her husband, Joe, has always supported
her in whatever she’s done, and trusted
her when she told him she was going to
get involved with dōTERRA. Lori says, “He
sees how much of a role the husband
can play if the wife is building the
business. It’s so much more difficult to
build a business when your husband is
not at your side. He’s been a great voice
to speak to other husbands about the
role they can play and how they can be