Congratulations on Reaching Presidential Diamond
John & Melyna Harrison
work now than it used to be. People always look at Presidential
Diamond like it’s so busy, but when we really struggled with
balancing time and family was before we were making money.
John was still working a different job and we couldn’t afford a
house cleaner, an assistant, or someone to watch the kids so
we could go to a meeting. That’s where so many other people
in dōTERRA are right now, and they’re wondering how they’re
ever going to do it when they’re Presidential Diamond. But, when
you make those sacrifices and you invest your time correctly,
that’s when you truly achieve time freedom. This freedom
allows us both to be home all day and it allows us to schedule
our work around our family, not the other way around. business would fall apart. The great thing about building to
Presidential Diamond is our busy-ness is more of a choice.
We have so many people that we want to help because we
care about seeing them be successful. But, if I have a baby or
if something is going on in our life, we can take a month off
and our business still grows. We actually continue to make
more money, because we’ve reached that point where we do
truly have a residual income that keeps coming whether we’re
here or not. This took us five years to build—it’s not a piece of
cake—but what other business is there where you can create
what we’ve created in five years, while growing your family?
What are the benefits of this rank? Why should
someone else want to reach it?
John: I truly believe that Platinum is probably the hardest rank
to hit. Up to that point, you have put in a ton of effort without
getting big paychecks. But, once you hit Platinum, you don’t
stay Platinum very long. It’s at that point that you make the
decision that this is what you are going to do for a living. When
I quit my job, Melyna and I were completely dependent on
dōTERRA for our living, so we knew we were eventually going
to be Presidential Diamond. It didn’t come as a shock to us. It
was the only goal. It wasn’t a tough decision to make because
it was the only thing that we did. I think it’s scarier to go from
nothing to Platinum than to go from Diamond to Presidential
Diamond. What advice would you give to someone else who
wanted to be successful in this business?
Melyna: A lot of people ask us how they can find leaders or
builders. I think it’s really important for people to understand
that you don’t necessarily find leaders—they need to be
created. The type of leaders you end up with depends on the
type of leadership they receive. You have to look in the mirror
and ask yourself, “If I was on my frontline, would I be happy?
Am I doing my share of the partnership? Am I supporting my
team? Am I showing up?” It’s not about finding the right person
as much as it is about being the right person. Sometimes I’ll
catch myself being whiney or making excuses and I think, “If I
was on a mentoring call with myself, I would be disappointed
and frustrated.” You have to evaluate yourself. You can’t
expect anyone on your team to do anything you’re not doing.
Melyna: Really, Presidential Diamond is just mastering how
to help someone hit Elite. If you can build enough Elites,
then you’re building Silvers. If you can build enough Silvers,
then you’re building Platinums. Once you get someone to
Platinum, they know how to build a business and that’s why
Presidential Diamond is so much easier. Back when we were
Gold or Platinum, if we wanted to take a month off, our
John: In any successful business, what you’ll find is the
business owner is really good at building and maintaining
relationships. In dōTERRA, that’s even more important. We’ve
put a lot of focus into building and maintaining relationships,
and we love the people that we’ve surrounded ourselves with.
It’s a great environment to work in.
Presidential Diamond Tips
How do you and John work together in the business?
John: We continue to learn. Melyna started the business on
her own, and the big adjustment was when I quit my job to
join her. Melyna had all the relationships with everyone on our
team and she knew the compensation plan really well, so she
had to teach me as if I’d just enrolled. We went through the back
office and all the genealogy and she told me about the people
behind the numbers and all their strengths and weaknesses.
Melyna: I’d been doing this business on my own for two years
when John joined me. I had to learn how to let go of things
and trust his skills and talents. I was still trying to take on a
lot of it and he was doing things that a personal assistant can
do. Now, we have a daily planning meeting each morning. We
go to our office and we plan what needs to be done for our
business and also what needs to be done in our home and
we put it on our white board. Then we go through and decide
which ones he will take and which ones I will take. This really
helps us to have a true partnership, because it’s not healthy
in a marriage to feel like you work for your spouse. This way,
nobody needs to be nagged and nobody is someone’s boss,
we’re just partners that are planning together each day.
John: I really feel like because of our daily planning and the
task management that we’ve put in place, we’ve become really
good at working together. We’ve become a partnership.
How have your learned to balance running your
business and taking care of your family?
Melyna: Honestly, it’s a lot easier to balance our family and
you achieve anything
you have to believe
you can do it. Set not
only a goal, but an
action plan of how
you’re going to achieve
it. You have to put all
of you into dōTERRA
and know that the
sacrifices you’re
making are going to
be worthwhile.
your long-term goal,
but don’t focus on it,
because that can be
overwhelming. Every
day that you wake up
and haven’t achieved
it, you’ll feel like a
failure. Focus on the
process, the tiny steps
that get you there, and
you’ll feel like you’re
succeeding every day.
That process will get
you to the goal.
OFF. On Sundays,
we won’t check our
emails and we won’t
answer any calls
that have to do with
dōTERRA. I think it’s
important to schedule
that time off so that
your kids know that
you’re fully available
that day. Otherwise,
dōTERRA can take
over everything.
One of the big
things that helped
us was choosing our
partnerships very
intentionally. When we
enroll people, we sit
down, discuss each of
them, and strategize
who they would fit
best with and how
they will fit into our
YOU LOVE. We are
successful today
because we have
surrounded ourselves
with amazing people
who we love working
with. If I had to be on
calls every day with
someone that drove
me crazy, I don’t know
that I would do this job
very long. Because we
love our partners so
much, we love our work.
It doesn’t feel like
work, it feels like play.