Lizeth Baldemar de Arras
“Estoy motivada por el amor que
tengo por mi familia, y el deseo
que tengo de que mas familias
puedan disfrutar de los beneficios
que disfruta la mia.”
Translation: “I am motivated by
the love that I have for my family,
and the desire that I have that more
families can enjoy the benefits that
my family enjoys.”
hen Lizeth Baldemar de Arras’s
sister, Perla Baldemar, first told
her about dōTERRA, Lizeth didn’t think
anything of it. Then when her oldest son
was sick late one night, the essential
oils her sister had given her were more
effective than Lizeth could’ve imagined.
She says, “I had lost hope that I would
ever find something that worked for
my son, and these oils really did.” From
there, she wanted to know more,
so she attended convention that year
with Perla.
At convention, Lizeth met Greg Cook
who shared with her that he felt that he
had a mission to be a part of something
that went throughout the whole world.
When she heard that, she wanted to be
a part of it as well. She wanted to bring
the mission of dōTERRA to Mexico.
She says, “Since that day, I have worked
very hard to bring the oils to Mexico. I
could have created my teams in the US
because I live right on the border, but it
is my mission for the people in Mexico
to be able to benefit from dōTERRA.”
Lizeth and her husband, Edgar, already
owned several businesses. They actually
could’ve made more money if she had
continued working those businesses
with her husband rather than moving
forward with dōTERRA, but Lizeth
feels strongly that this is what she is
supposed to do. Perla says about her
sister, “I’ve never seen anyone work as
hard as her in dōTERRA. She works from
6 AM until late into the night. Mexico
is a hard market, but she has still been
able to reach Diamond because of her
perseverance and passion. She has
had challenges that would have made
anyone else quit, but she keeps going.
Every time she wants to give up, she
remembers her mission.”
“I love creating a business
where I can include people
that I admire.”
Lizeth’s advice to others is to persevere
as she has. She says, “Never give up. You
have to work hard for anything that is
worthwhile. This type of business takes
a lot of work and dedication, but the
rewards are equally as great.”
She says she would’ve never been
where she is now without the support
of her sister and her team. “That’s why I
keep doing what I’m doing. That’s what
I love about dōTERRA—they care about
people. It doesn’t matter the challenges
I face, I won’t ever give up.”
If you really focus on
people and try to teach
them to improve their
lives, your business
will grow.
Make small teams that
work together, help
them make goals that
are reachable, and never
stop motivating them
to grow.
Focus on helping one
team at a time until they
are able to do things for
themselves. Then they
will be strong.
Don’t forget about
your leaders. Always
be available to help
them. Watch for those
that want to grow, and
motivate those that
don’t have a vision of
the opportunity.