news is you can do this job anywhere you
want. The bad news is you can do this job
Kristi Zastrow
anywhere you want.” She’s learned to not
let her dōTERRA business take over and to
“It’s your business. Set
your priorities and stay
steady. Understand that
the plan for Diamond
is for everyone, not just
a select few. It’s only
a matter of consistent
effort and time and
you will find yourself at
Diamond too.”
fter losing two jobs in a month
because of the poor economy,
Kristi Zastrow was approached by her
good friend Peggy Smith about the
business opportunity with dōTERRA.
Peggy told her it was something she
should seriously consider. Kristi didn’t
know anything about essential oils or
alternative health, but she trusted Peggy
that it really was a good opportunity. After
make sure that her kids know they are still a
“You don’t have to be good at everything.
We all build our business with our own unique
strengths, and then we can draw from other
people’s strengths to fill in the gaps.”
priority in her life.
Kristi built a large business at Platinum for
several years. Then, at the 2013 convention
she went up to Emily Wright and told her
that by the next year she was going to
be Diamond. She went and bought gala
tickets for her brother and sister-in-law.
She emailed them and told them to plan on
coming to watch her walk the red carpet as
a Diamond that next year. She says, “When
you set your intentions and make it public
like that, now you have to make it happen.
That motivated me to stay on track with my
plans and make it come true.” It did come
true, and at the 2014 convention Kristi
walked as a Diamond.
Kristi knows that she could’ve never
accomplished what she has at any corporate
job. She says, “I’m forever grateful to
dōTERRA for the income that I have, and to
the Lord for providing it. It’s so emotional
when I stop and think about the fact that
I can support my kids on my own—and
beyond. It’s more than I ever dreamed
possible. I feel incredibly blessed to be able
to do this and it’s rewarding to help others
be successful as well. The reality is the
income opportunity is there for everyone.”
meeting all the executives, that trust was
only confirmed. Kristi says, “Those aspects
of trust allowed me to start a dōTERRA
business, because I never wanted
to represent anything that I couldn’t Encourage. Follow up. Motivate. Show Gratitude. Care.
wholeheartedly believe in. Being able to “My strengths are
strategizing with
people, believing in
people, and building
those relationships.
When someone tells
me they want my help,
I can get behind them,
be their cheerleader,
and support them.” “If somebody
expresses they want
to build or they want
to go for a goal, I
make a point to check
in with them by text
or Facebook asking
them how they are
doing with their goal,
offering help, and
reminding them that
I believe in them.” “It’s amazing what
your words can do
for people. People
need to know you’re
thinking about them.
Your belief in someone
can have the power
to completely
motivate them.” “Thank people for
helping with a class
or a conference call,
recognize their rank
promotions, and
express gratitude for
the job they do as a
leader—it all helps
build their confidence.” “I support people
because I care about
them and their
success is important
to me. If Peggy Smith
hadn’t helped me be
successful, I wouldn’t
be here. Repeating
the process for other
people is part of the
gift of dōTERRA.”
develop that trust and portray it forward
“My success in dōTERRA has come from building
relationships, trusting people, and being there to
encourage other people’s success.”
was of high-level importance to me.”
As a single mom, Kristi knew she had to
treat her business as a real job so that she
could support her family. She learned to
set her boundaries. She says, “The good