David & Holly Mays
“dōTERRA opened our eyes and
made us realize that we can make
our lives whatever we want. We
just needed a vehicle that would
work with us.” –David
hile attending a “prepper” expo
in Texas, David Mays met Jared
Winger, now a Presidential Diamond,
at a dōTERRA booth. They hit it off so
well that David spent the rest of the
weekend hanging out with him. He felt
a sincerity from Jared that dispelled
his previous negative experiences with
network marketing companies. He
purchased some oils, and he and his
wife, Holly, casually shared them with
some family and friends at home. A few
months later, they started to open up to
the business side as well.
Jared flew out and taught some classes
for them, and after they saw the
positive response to those classes, they
committed to the business. They both
were already involved in businesses
of their own, but were eager to work It was also important to David and
toward doing dōTERRA full time. David Holly to make sure their two sons were
says, “We both had difficulties with onboard with the sacrifices necessary
our other businesses. We would find for success. When they decided to make
ourselves just spinning our wheels, but the push for Diamond, they sat them
we developed a work ethic that has down, explained how it would affect
stuck with us. I think that helped make them, and asked for their input. Holly
Diamond work, because we worked says, “They were onboard even knowing
dōTERRA like a business as soon as we that it would mean many evenings and
made the decision to do it. dōTERRA just weekends with one or both of us not
happened to be a better vehicle than we home. Sometimes it wasn’t easy, but
were driving before.” we’d remind them that they were part
As some of the first people to get
involved with dōTERRA in their area,
it was difficult for David and Holly to
envision their success, but they moved
of the decision.” David adds, “That was a
huge driving factor that gave us guilt-
free permission to strive forward and
ultimately hit Diamond.”
forward anyway. Early on, it helped that Today, they have in their sights the
Jared showed them that he had once lifestyle they always wanted. David
been in the same spot they were. David says, “dōTERRA became the vehicle we
says, “He kept showing that even though used to get that done. It has been an
the money isn’t there yet, we were on incredible experience. We get to help
the right path. It doesn’t matter where people in such broader ways than we
on the path I’m at as long as I’m on the could before through this amazing
right one. He kept expanding our vision, journey of dōTERRA.”
and that helped a lot.”
“We want all of our team to have the opportunity to do
what we’ve done and change their lives like we have. We know
that if we can do it, anyone can.” –Holly
Make it clear. Be consistent. Use personal development.
“I think half the reason why people take so long to reach
their goals is because it’s simply not clear enough and their
intention is more of a dream than it is a journey. They find
themselves making decisions that don’t work them toward
their goal.” –David “Have the belief that it can happen. We always make
sure that people are writing down their goals, reviewing
their goals, and taking consistent steps toward those
goals. That’s what drives momentum and that’s what
makes it work.” –Holly “We really push personal development because we know
that who you are as an Elite is not who you will be as a
Diamond. The beauty of dōTERRA is you will expand along
the way and reach whatever you want to become.” –David